Watching the Fights

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All the opponents besides Naruto and Neji want into a little holding thingy on the side of arena.  I carefully watched how to get there, so I could find my way.

A few minutes after the match started, I snuck away.  Making sure Kiba and Hinata didn't see me.  Stepping around the corner away from all the people, I made the hand-signs, so I could teleport down to get a better view of Naruto's fight.

I poofed right behind all of the final contestants, "Wow this really is a better view." I stated walking up besides Shikamaru.

"Ida, how did you get here?" he jumped.

"Well when a mommy and a daddy love each other...The stork brought me, yeah that story is less gross, so lets go with that."

"I'm pretty sure he meant how you got down here.  Not into this world." Kankuro explained his eye twitching

"Oh I get it." I smiled and I turned back to Shikamaru, "I walked."

"Well thanks for that elaborate answer." Shikamaru said.

"Yep I try." I stated nodding my head.

I turned my attention to Naruto's fight.  It wasn't looking to well.  Neji had just made all of Naruto's clones poof away.  They started talking and Naruto made more clones, and continued to go and fight Neji.

"Ida?" Shikamaru asked leaning on the rail beside me.

"Yeah," I answered looking at him.

"Do you honestly believe Naruto can win this fight?" Shikamaru asked raising an eye-brow.  I thought about all that happened over the week.

"Yep I'm sure Naruto can beat Neji. No doubt!" I smiled flashing a thumbs up.

"Ha, I wouldn't be too sure.  The Hyuga kid has this." Temari laughed.

"Nuh-uh." I countered.

"It's the most likely outcome." she countered back.

"Neji wining is as likely as Sasuke being straight." I finished.  There was an awkward pause as everyone soaked in what I said.

"Sasuke's gay?" Shikamaru asked.

"Well he's never said he was, but I personally think it’s pretty obvious." I sighed shrugging my shoulders.  "Now if you don't mind I would like to watch this fight and prove to all of you that Naruto is way stronger than anyone thinks." I finished all in one rushed breath.

I had missed a lot of the fight.  Currently Naruto was on the ground trying to get up.  Neji was talking and I could barely hear what he was saying.

"We are all born with a destiny.  You can't escape it, and you can't hide from it." Neji said in a matter of fact tone.

"I don't care about destiny!" Naruto shouted from his spot on the ground.

"It's your destiny to lose to me, so you will." Neji continued in his matter of fact godly tone.

"I'll show you!  I don't even beleive in this destiny stuff.  I can choose my own path and no one can tell me different!" Naruto shouted again still trying to get up.

"Only the naive can say that.  You don't know what it's like having your path already set out in front of you, or what it's like to be marked." Godly Neji continued.  He started talking about how he has a curse mark that the branch family can kill him with.  Neji just want on and on about how is life sucked.

He crossed the line however when he said, "You would never know what it's like to be marked and set aside from the rest."

I couldn't help, but laugh a laugh without humor.  "What's so funny?" Shikamaru asked.

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