Chap|18 Making things worse

Comenzar desde el principio

She bit her lip nervously and shook her head. "I'm sorry but I can't. Just know that I love you and-"

"So all of this because your mad at Camila, really Lauren?" I asked and she shrugged.

"That's some bullshit and you know it!"I yelled while poking my finger at her. It really hurt my feelings that Lauren didn't even want to think about me,all she was focused on was her and Camila's problems. Not even considering that this was one of the biggest nights of my life.

"No. Y/N you just don't understand."

"Oh I understand. You just don't care. It's that simple." After I said that it was like her whole entire mood changed.

"Don't you dare tell me that I don't care about you Y/N! You don't know the half of the truth, but I'm doing this to protect our friendship and because I care about you!"

"What?! What are you talking about Lauren?"

She shook her head at me and stood up. "Just don't worry about it. Look I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it to your album release party. But I wish you all the luck in the world."

I watched her grab her purse and start to walk away. "Bye Y/N."

I just sat there with my mouth open in surprise. I could not believe what had just happen. She was doing this for me, to save our friendship?? Like what the fuck! I was so damn confused.

"Ugh!" I yelled as I stood up while pushing my chair back and grabbing my shit before walking out with my bodyguards.

"You ready Ms. Brown?" I nodded frustratedly

"Yeah lets go." As soon as I said that I started to hear screams coming from every which way. I love my fans and all but I was all already mad and I really didn't feel like this shit right now.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

"Y/N are you and Lauren Jauregui on a date?!"

"Y/N! Are you cheating on Camila already?!"

"Y/N! Where's Camila?!"

"Where's Royalty?!"

"How's the new album coming?!"

"Are you just going to pass around all the girls in fifth Harmony?!"

I told myself to just stay calm. But after hearing that last claim it really pissed me off. I turned around quickly catching my bodyguards off guard.

"Hey! Why don't you shut the fuck up and do your job in silence you stupid bitch!" I couldn't control my anger anymore. I didn't care that I was around all these cameras, I already knew that this would be on the front page everywhere and on every damn channel. I just didn't care.

"Y/N. Man calm down, and come on!" I heard as I felt my main bodyguard Jimmy pulling me back away from the crowd.

"Hey everybody get back, get back now!"

I continued to hear until I was pushed into the truck. I took a deep breath as I sat back against the seat trying to get my thoughts together.

"Y/N dude you alright?" I shook my head and covered my face with my hands.

"Yeah man. I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry about that right now. Just focus on calming yourself while we get you home." I nodded and sat back with my eyes closed.

It was about a 2 hour drive back home and I decided that I was going to take me a nap. That was until my phone started going off.

"Hello?" I answered without even looking at who it was calling.

"Oh my god baby, are you ok? I just heard about what happened!"

"Camz babe, Im fine."

"No! Your not, now please tell me the truth."

"Listen Camila, I'm on my way home now, and I promise we can talk about it then alright."

I heard her sigh. "Alright baby. Well just be careful ok?"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course babe. Imma see you soon."

"Ok I love you."

"I love you too Camila." I heard her hang up.

I rolled my eyes and sat back trying to think about all the things that had just went on. I needed to see what was going on with Lauren, and I know I had to talk to the girls for this. And that's what I'll do if I have to. Because it's no way in hell I'm just going to let a close friend like Lauren just walk out of my life so easily.



Sooooo I hope you guys are still enjoying this😁I have sooo much more to come you just don't know😭😭

But anywayyy what do you guys think about it💭💭Y/N's talk with Amanda?? What's Lauren's deal🤨🤔🙄 anddd why did it make Y/N so upset??  Boy I can NOT wait for her album release party😩🙂👀

Thanks so much for reading/voting🥀 also sorry for any mistakes🌞

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