character analysis and message from the author

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hi so i know i ended the book quite sometime ago but i kept thinking about the ending and i hoped that everyone who has read the story has gotten the reason why i ended the story as such

the story ended abrubtly well yes it did because that's how kaelan felt when he met audrey before she finally moved on, it was so sudden, like a bullet through the heart, the whole thing ended quickly but the pain was intense, and immediately after that, she left. the story ends with saffron asking kaelan if he was okay and he says he's fine. i didnt have to write it down for you all to know that he was still shocked/very sad and still recovering from seeing audrey. 

kaelan is a coward im guessing that's what most people think, he doesnt open up to anyone, he doesn't want his burden to become someone elses. he could have just went up to audrey and befriend her once again but i wanted to subtly ((without writing)) put across the fact that he was traumatized from being forgotten by his childhood best friend, when everything seemed so perfect back then, it seemed impossible to him to rebuild whatever they had, considering she was popular and he wasn't. his background and family issues didn't make anything better, he was already quite torn apart and the fact that he doesn't share his problems with anyone just adds fuel to the fire. i'll continue my character analysis on saffron and audrey later 

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