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Omigosh! My date with Derrick went great, after the movie he bought me ice cream and we fed each other and took photos! Sadly, he told me he had to head home to call one of his teammates. Anyway, geography discussion went smoothly, we covered quite a lot in a short amount of time! Yay, super productive! I’m grouped with Saffron and Kaelan. Saffron is pretty cute, I love the hats she wears to school and the funky bracelets and charms she wears, she used to be on cheer team but she quitted to join band instead. She plays the harmonica, clarinet and the trumpet! I should totally do a duet with her someday! Kaelan is friendly and he has a great smile, I remembered seeing him doodling on his book once, he’s a great artist! Somehow, he vaguely reminds me of someone in my dreams, just that I was a kid and so was the guy and we spent our summer building sandcastles and playing ‘Jungle Fun’ or something like that. I wonder if he had a dream like that, it’d be so cool, we’ll be like dream buddies or something. I can’t wait for our next meetup! I was thinking that since this was gonna be a three week thing we should get to know each other better or something. After all, they all seem like nice people. Cheyenne said she’ll be throwing a party next week, I should get the know Saff and Kael soon, if they are party people I can invite them to Cheye’s party and we’d all have fun!                            

I’m checking my planner now, and it turns out I’m free tomorrow and this Saturday, gonna ask them if they’re free then:

Audrey: Hey guyz! So I was thinkin cuz the assignment is like 3 weeks long, we should get to know each other and stuff if that’s fine w you guyz! How does tomorrow aft sch sound? xoxo Audrey

I clicked ‘send’ and smiled, I can already imagine the amount of fun we’re gonna have together. Kaelan isn’t really into music but I think he’d change his mind after he gets a hold of a guitar, he has nice strong fingers fit for a guitarist.


Whoa, Saff replies real quick!

Saffron: whey hey hey dat sounds graite! cant w8 4 it! I’ll bring ma harmonica and we cn play sum sick sounds!

I love her enthusiasm for stuff! Now I just gotta wait for Kael!

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