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                Whoo! After the positive reply from Kaelan yesterday, I’m delighted to say that I’ll be spending time after school with my Geography group! We’ll be sitting at the open space, 5 minutes’ walk from school. Kaelan volunteered to bring food and Saff is bringing her harmonica. Cheyenne is really excited about the party, being her besties, I’m helping her with the planning, it will be a pool party with pizza and everyone’s invited! Though Cheyenne said “leave out the losers”. I don’t think she will mind if I invite Kaelan and Saffron, if they don’t mind that is. Dedrick is coming too! There’s so much exciting stuff coming up!

            I had a dream last night, I dreamt of the boy who held my hand as a kid. We would feel the warm seawater between our toes and the salty breeze, afterwards we’d run home to cold lemonade and sandwiches. The dream felt so real, I swore it has happened before. But before I could see his face clearly, like look into his eyes, I woke up


            I tried focusing during class but I kinda started day-dreaming a little, thinking of the dream I had. But now that school is over I can push that all aside! We met at the school entrance and greeted each other, and started making our way to the open field. Saffron played her harmonica throughout; she’s got a good pair of lungs and have a lot of breath to play while walking. When we found a good, shady spot, Kaelan brought out the food he packed and whoa! He brought fruit cake! Not a lot of people I know like fruit cake but I LOVE IT, he thought I might like it so he brought some. He also got apple juice and a bag of chips which Saffron snatched up immediately. She sure seems hungry! I learnt that Kaelan lives with his mom and he doesn’t have a dad, I guess I AM pretty fortunate to have loving parents who care about me so much. He spends his time listening to music, reading poetry and writing. Funny, I didn’t think he was the literature type. He doesn’t really know which direction he is heading but he seems more into the arts than math and science, I’m sure he’ll find his way somehow! Saffron lives with her uncle, aunt and cousin; her uncle introduced her to music and she likes country and indie music. She wants a pet and loves animals. She’s also trying to pick up playing the guitar. I can totally feel her dedication to music, she’s gonna go far!

            And really soon it got dark! Time fly when you’re having fun huh? Saffron played us a short and sweet harmonica piece and after biding my group mates goodbye, I made my way home! Heard mommy is making stew! Life is sweet!

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