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            Time flies! It’s been days since I last met up with Kaelan and Saffron, but no worries, all the rest of my time was spent with Dedrick! And you know what? It’s the day before Cheyenne’s pool party on Saturday. So after school, me, Dedrick, Cheyenne and her guy, Landon will be going out to buy some party stuff. I can’t wait! First period is Geography; the teacher’s giving us the time to do our assignment discussion. This is the only class which I don’t share with Dedrick and Cheyenne but I still have my groupmates for company. I shut my locker which I have decorated myself. I don’t get how some people can stand the dull and drab layout and design of the lockers. I pasted photos of my friends and family, oh and a notebook pasted to the side to write reminders. I gave Cheyenne a hug and Dedrick a kiss on the cheek and started making my way to class. I walked into the warm classroom and took my seat with Saff and Kael. I greeted them with the brightest smile I could manage, smiles cheer everyone up no? We started with the discussion and we’ll be making our model design soon. We’ll be using cardboard, tape and other recycled materials. Saffron thought it’ll be a good idea to be environmentally friendly, she’s so thoughtful! But both of them were a little quiet today, as though there’s tension in the air but it’s probably my own imagination; after all, they got along really well during our last meet-up.  As usual I wrote everything down in my striped Smiggle notebook. I told them about the party tomorrow night, Kaelan said he had something on but Saffron said she just might turn up for the drinks. The party is going to be a blast! The period flew pass, we said our goodbyes and went for the next period.

            I admit, I am a huge daydreamer, do you believe in spirits? I do, my daddy told me that if someone dies without accomplishing what they were made out to do, they won’t be able to pass on peacefully, and they will remain, here, on Earth until they have done it. Sometimes if they died in a bad way, like torture or murder. It must really suck to be stuck here on Earth after suffering here so much. But Cheyenne doesn’t believe in spirits she thinks they were just made to scare us when we were younger. Dedrick believes but he is more of afraid of them? He said he used to explore haunted houses with his ‘bros’ in middle school.

            Next period is Spanish, Dedrick sits next to me and we held hands throughout the period. I think this whole future thing is unfolding on its own, I love Dedrick and the affection is mutual. He’s a hard worker, despite the many football trainings he has, he still balances out friends and me. Miss Fernandez shared a bit of her personal life with us, she’s talked about the Day of the Dead in Spain and how that day is celebrated. I can’t help but think of Halloween, which is coming in a few weeks! Cheyenne might throw another party for Halloween, she loves having people over. I wonder if I’m too old to trick-or-treat. Speaking of trick-or-treating, I dreamt of the mystery boy from my childhood, or what seemed like my childhood. I was dressed as a witch and he was a ghost, but he just wore a white sheet over himself and cut eyeholes. We walked down the street knocking on doors and asking for candy, with our parents trailing behind. And after we visited the last house, I went over to his house and we sat at the dining table and his mom poured us milk. We started on the chocolate first, like we always do. We stopped halfway because my throat started hurting so he stopped too and since we lived beside each other, we both washed up and had a sleepover at my house. Just that we couldn’t sleep because we were going to the beach the next day. So we passed the time talking about the future. But we were so young the answers were funny.

            “I want to be cool, like Batman or something”, he said.

            “Whoa, then I want to be Batgirl! Then we can fight bad guys together!” I turned to him and we high-fived.

            “And we can spend days at the beach and build sandcastles!” He added.

            “Yeah we can!” I giggled. The conversation continued for some time but it became blurry when I woke up. It sounded like the perfect plan, to be together forever, us against the world, yet at the same time holding on to our childhood, the beach. I wonder if he exist, this mystery boy who made my younger self giggle and laugh. I wonder if he goes to my school, if we’ve crossed paths before. But if he does exist, what happened? What happened to the both of us? I hope I’ll have time after all the shopping to visit the beach, without anyone, just alone; hearing the crashing of waves and the salty sea breeze and the warm sand between my toes.


            Cheyenne has already made a list of things to buy but she probably won’t keep to it. There’s actually not a lot of stuff to buy because she’s already called the pizza guy to deliver 10 large pizzas to her house tomorrow. She doesn’t plan on decorating the place so that’s a lot less work to do. I think the only reason we’re at the mall is to buy outfits for the party. But it’s a pool party so we’ll be getting swim-wears. We reached the mall pretty quickly in Dedrick’s car. I picked out my tankini really quickly, Dedrick chose it for me, he said orange and pink went well with my skin and hair. Cheyenne chose a neon pink bikini which really stood out. Cheyenne loves being in the limelight, I guess, it’s kinda like her home, like she belongs there.

            I bade goodbye to my friends, dropped everything off at my house and made a run for the beach.

Everything That Could Have BeenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ