Chapter 6

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I got out of the shower and dressed myself warmly and started drying my hair.


After drying, I took off to check on the dorm manager to ask him how to get a new phone number. on getting downstairs, I saw the sunbae sitting and he waved at me.

I said " Annyeonghasaeyo, chogiyo, I wanted a new number so, that I can make phone calls, where do I get it?" 


My dear sunabenim got excited saying," AAiiisssh,, you think I don't know about this, Here, Take. I have already prepared your number but it will be activated tomorrow." He handed me the envelope containing the sim card.


I jumped out of excitement  and thanked him "cheongmal khamsahamimnida, shinchayo" I was so happy.


He asked,"you must be hungry, why not we got out and have warm breakfast ? let me take you to a place.. I agreed and so we walked a couple of blocks away to find a beautiful cafe which serves breakfast".


I had so much fun gorging into the food and took lots of photos of the food and selcas with my dear sunbaenim. While eating, sunbae-nim explained to me about many things regarding university, culture and surroundings. He gave me a list of few phone numbers to be noted.


I thanked him for the food and he walked me back to my dorm. On the way, he told me that, my roommate will be here by midnight but she will shift in the morning. Same way like mine.


I thanked him. It was grateful of him to feed me so well and then, we said our goodbyes, I bowed and came back to my bedroom. The sun was shining brightly yet it couldn't beat the cold, It was already 9 oçlock and before i could realize anything, I fell into a deep sleep. I meant really deep sleep, no dreams ^^


I suddenly woke with the sound of my line chat. I wondered how many centuries have I slept and checked my phone. It was just 12 noon... AAhhh I slept for good long 3 hours :) I feel so freshened up and so, i opened the message and saw that it was Wu.

The text says," Hey Bianca, I have landed safely, Ah so cold here, but thanks to your beanie and mittens ^^"

I replied," I am glad that you have reached safely, I wonder how a person feeling warm can feel the cold too (sarcastically), my beanie and mitten not keeping you warm enough?"

Another text beeped," AH, its them that's keeping me warm. I have got my luggage and now heading out, my mom's waiting for me outside."

My reply," Okies, do take care. Get home safe :) "

One text beep," I will ping you in a while."

I smiled and kept the phone on my bed, wondering what to do next, I started unpacking my stuffs and within an hour, I settled all my stuffs on place and was just looking around..


It was around 1:30 noon and a text beeped, "I reached home about half an hour ago, I just freshened up and now gonna have food with mom, she prepared hot pot ^^"


I replied,"glad to know that, eat well and take rest, you might be tired".

Another text beeped, "What were you doing?"

I replied again," I went to have breakfast with the sunb who came to pick me up and I slept for three hours and just finished unpacking and settled my stuffs."

Another beep," Aha !! this sunbae of yours' seems to be interested in you, be careful ^^"

I laughed and replied, "Na, na, no way, he is just a sunbae who is taking care of me. As an international student, a sunbae is always assigned to you for the first two three months till we get adjusted and guess what! I got a new number but it will be activated tomorrow ^^" 

Another beep beep," Sounds Great!! Give the number now so that, I can save it


I replied," I will text you with the number as soon as it gets activated.


Another beep,"Okayyy then, I am goona have my food


I replied,"Eat well and take rest".

With that, we ended our conversation and I tied up my waist length hair into a bun, took out my camera and started taking pics of my 1st day at room and headed out to venture more of my dormitory building.

As I was totally new to the place, I couldn't go out much. The university campus was just 10 minutes walk from the hostel. But I decided I would go there with my new roomie so that we can bond over.


I went to the dormitory mess where they serve all kinds of food and as usual I am always the first person to arrive at the dorm so, I was the only one, But they had good food and I enjoyeed and I made friends among the workers there, They are so much fun and I took lots of pics with them,. Now they all know me ... JJaaannngg!!~~


After having a delicious meal, I headed back to my room , took out the memory card and opened my laptop and screened through every pictures I took. But, I missed home, so, I went out and called throught the reception number and called "Home"


As soon as I heard my mom's voice, tears started rolling *yeah yeah I am a very sensitive girl* We talked for over 15 minutes, I ensured them that I was fine and I told her about my phone number and the timeline, that if its 12 noon in India, its 3:30 pm in Korea. I hung up the phone and then headed to my room.


Just then, the sunbae appeared, it was already 4:45 here, so, he asked if I would like to go out and have fun. As I had nothing else to so, I agreed and asked for 10 minutes to change and come back.


I wore a simple jeans and boots with tshirt and hoodie and carried a white leather handbag. I let my hair down and wore my beanie and took my mittens inside my bag. I took all the necessary stuffs and money so that, I can buy few stuffs.


On seeing me, The sunbae exclaimes,"Waaah ,, you have such a pretty long hair.. How do you manage it?" 

I replied," Its hards, but long hair chuahaeyo..."


We laughed and moved out... Wow, the street is awesome with all the shops and the eveing light glazing.


Next Chapter will be out in no time ^^ Are you having fun reading them???

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