She pulled Lauren from under ally seatbelt over to her lap earning a glare from ally she obviously ignored. She prevented a grimace from the squish feel the diaper had, it was soaked, kinda surprising Dinah, but then again, Ally did just buy them to try out on Lo, she deduced that big diapers were different depending on brand like their small counterparts. (Dinah was also really glad she was diapered for the nap.).

She pouted when Lauren immediately tried to move back to her momma arms, while ally sent her a triumphant look. Normani rolled her eyes at them and looked outside seeing the heavy transit, guessing they would take a little longer than they thought. She turned back to see Dinah and Ally still making faces and Lauren taking her paci out and trying to make it stick to Nala muzzle with one hand while the other was occupied by her mouth.

"Seriously it could be a good idea, we are stuck in the transit apparently, and it would keep you calmer wouldn't it Lo"

Lauren blushed at the attention being brought to her but shyly nodded, looking from behind her lashes up at Normani then at her momma.

"Do you want me to sit with Mani and give you privacy baby?"

Lauren was almost sleeping when they got in the car but she was well awake now and she did not want to make Lauren uncomfortable nursing.

Lauren stopped for a second before shaking her head. She like having both her mama and her aunties' attention, it made her feel loved and cared for, and besides that they were her family, the only she had now, and she trusted them.

Dinah looked at Normani with a smile the dark skinned girl mirrored. It was progress.

Ally opened her shirt and moved her bra out of the way and her heart warmed as Lauren eagerly latched on. She caressed her forehead, letting her thumb trace the lines as the girl in her arms softly suckled, still a bit shy from the others but definitely soaking in all love around. She knew the girls felt extremely guilt; she did too, from not paying attention to something wrong on Lauren. How angry and sad they got the more they uncovered from the situation and how relieved that they could help her heal from it all. She was distracted by Dinah coming closer and frowning.

"Does she always latch like this?"

"Mostly, except when she is sleeping, then it feels different."

She looked questioningly when Dinah poked Lauren cheek to get her attention.

"Hey cub can you let mama go for just a second?"

She chuckled at the strong "hum" Lauren gave as she tried to get her to unlatch.

"Come on Lo, just a second. Can you open your mouth like this? Yes, can I see your tongue now? Ahhh. Ok now I want you to try again but keep your mouth a bit more open when you go for mama's buddies ok? And your tongue out a bit. It's not like a paci Lo, suckle like you do your bottle of strawberry-banana shake."

"Dinah is that really necessary?"

"Shh Ally I have tons of younger siblings you will thank me"

Ally nodded and waited inhaling sharply when Lauren latched back. Yes definitely closer to the way she nursed while sleeping but more intense. It was more confortable though she had a feeling that her breasts would be sore later. Lauren sighed contently and if Ally had to guess all the positive attention to nursing was working well. And her baby seemed pretty content and a lot less fussy. Once she was used to the rhythm Lauren brought Nala up to rest against Ally so she could look at the stuffie without letting go and then moved the stuffie all over her mama. Ally just smiled and began rubbing her tummy gently in circles. She saw Lauren eyes roam and stop on Dinah and felt her mouth form a smile against her. Ally discreetly used her foot to get Dinah attention back and motioned to the dark haired girl in her arms. Once Lauren saw Dinah looking at her she used Nala to hide her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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