The days rush bye, sugar for ya heart.

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Ok im gonna be brief or MrsGullible will kill me. theres almost 4.5k in here and i already have over 1k of the next chapter so i will prob take less then a week this time! I love u guys!

"Shhh baby its ok, it's just your baba. Keep sleeping."

Ally made sure Lauren was all tucked in, Nala clutched tight in her arms. The younger girl was still suffering from nightmares every night, and at the moment had tears track on her face. Ally successfully soothed her the past couple of days keeping her mostly asleep. Right now she was giving the girl a bottle of cold water; otherwise she knew her baby would be fussy about her throat.

She observed Lauren's face, she could see the very tip of her tongue peeking out from under the nipple as she softly suckled­, and she let her fingers trace the lines on her forehead until they relaxed under her touch.

Her baby seemed way more content than 3 days before. She seemed more willing to play with her new toys though Nala was never far away. She also seemed more willing to run around half naked, ally rolled her eyes fondly as she took the bottle away and put the paci in the girl's mouth.

She put her arm around Lauren and got ready to go back to sleep, it was barely one and she needed energy.


"Lo. Nena, wake up. Its half past ten"

Lauren loved sleep. That was a fact. She could nap probably anytime, anywhere (when she actually wanted, sometimes she was a stubborn little shit. Ally's stubborn little shit though), but she had been sleeping for over twelve hours, Ally had her breakfast ready and she needed a change ASAP. As soon as the woman had pulled the covers from the younger girl she noticed the swollen pull up, she knew from experience (and two consecutive days of leaking) that the pull up could not take another wetting. She was getting worried though. While she was glad for her baby sleeping through the night, she worried the reason she seemed to have lost control when in deep sleep. Was it because she no longer woke up to go to the bathroom? Was it because of her headspace? Did the stones damage the muscles on her bladder just enough that when in relaxed deep sleep whenever her bladder got full it just emptied itself? All of the above?

She put her thoughts in the back ground and rubbed Lauren arm still calling for her name. The only reaction she got was a little hand trying to pull her down.

"'lly, down with Lolo"

"No love, it's time to wake up. We need to get you out of this icky pull up and to the potty, and then my baby needs food"

She gave up trying to get her up and just picked her up, grimacing at the feeling of the oversaturated pull up on her arm. At least her pee was back to the right color. She got to the bathroom and put Lauren on her feet, removing her pull up and sitting her on the toilet.

"You call me when it's time to bath ok?"

"Key, go go go"

The girl shoed Ally from the bathroom. She used the time Lauren was taking care of the heavier side of potty business to tide up the bedroom, she took the sheets off, while there was not a full out leak it was a bit damp, putting clean sheets on the bed before placing the stuffies on it. She got Lo underwear, shorts and a t-shirt and put them at the end of the bed just as she heard Lauren calling her.

She scrunched her nose seeing the girl already on the bath, she really didn't like when she got into the bath alone, because bath was time for baby Lolo and it always made her anxious the thought of something happening.

"Baby, wait for me before getting into the bath ok? Did you clean up your-"


Ally suppressed a smile at the indignant exclamation. Of course she knew Lauren cleaned herself before getting into the bath, she just couldn't help teasing her.

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