Solving the puzzle doesnt always end in a pretty picture

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OK, here is a new chapter. I need to say my deep thanks to @MrsGullible for being amazing and helping me out and letting me rant and spoil her! Have a good reading.

Lauren woke up slowly. She was warm, her head was hurting, her arm was hurting, and her stomach was hurting. Her memories were fuzzy at best and she tried to open her eyes, struggling against the sunlight filtering in through the windows. She was in her room.

"Morning Lauren"

She almost jumped out of her skin, sitting up at once and feeling dizzy and nauseous, her empty stomach contracting painfully. She pushed it away and looked to her side, seeing Ally looking fresh from the shower sitting beside her. Wasn't Ally with her family in Texas? What was going on? Why were her memories such a blur? Wait why she was in a pullup? At least she was dry. But she needed a bathroom ASAP. And a pain killer. And a cuddle. And maybe her paci.

She felt a warm hand rubbing circles in her back and turned her eyes to Ally's concerned ones and realized she had been talking to her. She wanted to be able to answer just then, but everything was still sort of blurry and the pain was worse and she was feeling even more nauseous. Oh god she was going to puke. She felt Ally pick her up and hush into the bathroom in time for Lauren to crouch in front of it and throw up. It was just bile and saliva but it seemed her body was even more upset at the fact. She felt like she almost couldn't breathe but still kept heaving. She felt an arm around her waist lifting her up a bit into a better position and supporting her body as her stomach contracted once again, with such force she felt first drops of pee escape. She desperately wanted to stop heaving but the more anxious she got the more her stomach contracted and soon she was pushing her tights together trying to stop the inevitable, but as soon as she began heaving again warmth spread on her pullup and she was now also crying.

Ally had been decided to talk first thing in the morning but seeing her Nena in that state made for a fast change of plans, she needed Lauren well for the talk.

She was supporting her weight and trying to rub her back to calm her down. As soon as she saw Lauren close her thighs tightly she knew what was happening but Lauren was still heaving into the toilet so she could do nothing but wait it out and try to comfort her. Soon it seemed the younger girls stomach was stopping its rebellion and Ally picked her up from the ground, she didn't comment on anything but as soon as her arm was under Lauren's butt to support her she saw the other girl go crimson red. She just patted the back of her pullup comforting her as she walked to the bathroom in her own room, Laurens was smelling like puke and would make her nauseous but she needed a bath and she wasn't leave her to clean it.

"OK baby let's get you in a bath to get all this icky out of u ok?"

She walked into the bathroom and set Lauren in the counter, and turned the bath faucet on.

"I'm going to clean you some before the bath ok?" She grabbed a hand towel and wet it cleaning around her mouth and neck where some sick got, pulling up Lauren shirt as she looked at the older girl with wide eyes filled with wonder.

"You are home."

She noted the use of home toward the LA apartment and made a note of it. She also noticed that Lauren was probably still having difficulties remembered the night before; she doubted she would be this calm otherwise.

"Yes baby, I am, my flight was cancelled. Now can you be a good girl and lift your hips please?"

She smiled at her blushing face and got her pants and then the wet pull up off, wiping her clean before getting her into the bath.

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