Chapter 2

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Blair's P. O. V.

"Alright, ready to go?"

I nod, "Yeah!"

Max says, "I'll drive"

Sophia and I follow him to his car. We get in and sit in silence as we drive to a restaurant. When we get there, we go inside and see a bunch of guys sitting at a table.

Max says, "Right there"

He proceeds to introduce Sophia and I to a bunch of guys. All lifeguards. I end up sitting between Max and a guy named Maxi, with Sophia across from me.

"So, Blair, how did you meet Max?"

I laugh, "I was helping a guy who was struggling to swim. Max and Jethro were waiting for the man on the beach"

Jethro shakes his head, "She's being too modest. He was about to go under. She got him up on her surfboard and brought him in. Perfect form. She's a lifeguard in America. "

Maxi raises his brows, "Oh wow! That's so awesome, Blair. "

I shrug. Sophia says, "She doesn't have a selfish bone in her body. All she wants to do is help people. She never takes a day off. "

I roll my eyes but smile at her. Max says, "Well that's definitely admirable. "

We order and get our food, eating and having other conversation. Maxi says, "Blair, you should come shadow us tomorrow! You can just come up in the tower and observe! Get a feel for Bondi"

I grin and nod, "That sounds amazing. Thank you. "

Max picks up my bill. I quickly say, "No, give it here!"

He shakes his head and stands up to go pay, "I've got it. "

He pays and comes back. I smile at him, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. "

He waves me off and grabs my hand as I stand up, "Don't worry about it. I'm the one that asked you to come. "

We go out to the parking lot and Maxi hugs me, "I'll see you in the tower tomorrow!"

I laugh and wave as he leaves. Max drives Sophia and I back to the beach, to our car. I hug him, "Thank you for a great night. I guess i'll see you tomorrow!"


"Oi there she is!"

I laugh as I enter the tower. Maxi jumps up from his seat and pulls me into a hug. He pats the chair next to him, "Here ya go. Just for you."

I sit down and he hands me a pair of binoculars. I use them and survey the beach, "Wow. It's amazing from up here. "

Maxi nods, "It really is. Oh look, Max is doing a rescue"

I follow where he's pointing and see Max paddling out. I watch as he grabs a woman onto his board and brings her in.

Maxi grabs the walkie talkie, "Aye Max, solid rescue. "

I hear him respond, "Yeah thanks mate. "

Then someone else gets on and says, "If only Blair had seen it, Max. "

Maxi looks at me as I bite my lip. He chuckles and says into the walkie, "Uh, Blair is here with me, mate. "

"Shit, sorry. "

I laugh as it goes silent. Maxi raises his brows, "Well that was interesting. "

I nod, "Yes. It was. Who was that talking?"

"It was Jethro. "

I shake my head, smiling, "You guys are so funny. "

About 20 minutes later, I get up and walk down to the beach. Approaching Max, who is sitting in the Rhino.

I slide into the seat next to him. He smiles at me, "Hey!"

I smile back, "Hi. That was a hell of a rescue!"

He laughs, "Thanks Blair. Sorry about Jethro. "

I wave him off, "There's no reason to be sorry. "

I lean back and set my feet up on the dash on the Rhino, looking out at the water, "It is so beautiful. "

Max chuckles, "I know. It's amazing. So your friend, Sophia, when do you go back home for the wedding?"

I smile, "The wedding is here, actually. On the beach. But in the evening so it's not crowded. So i'll be here for a couple more weeks, at least?"

Max raises his brows, "At least?"

I nod, "I figure, if I like it enough, I may stay for a bit longer. "

He looks away, trying to hide his smile from me, "Well that's good to hear. But a wedding here, that'll be beautiful. "

I nod, "I know. "

"You're not- uh- you're not married, right?"

I bite my lip to hide my grin, "No, i'm not married. "

Max looks at me, "Okay good. "

All of the sudden, Maxi comes over the radio, "Oi, Max. There's a guy struggling to stay above water at Ben Buckler. Head over there"

Max starts zooming down to the other end of the beach. He stops the Rhino and jumps out. He takes his shirt off and grabs the board, paddling out. I go to the back of the Rhino and stand up on the top, using the binoculars to watch him.

The guy isn't following directions very well so I assume he's a different ethnicity. Finally, Max gets him in and the guy just walks off. Max walks back over to me, "That guy had no business swimming here. "

I nod, "Most swimmers don't. "

We get back in the Rhino and he just looks at me. I give him a smile. I go to say something but then Maxi comes on the radio, "Hey, Blair. Why don't you come back up to the tower?"

Max looks at me, "I'll see you later?"

I smile and nod then go back up to the tower. Maxi looks at me, "Sorry Blair but i'm afraid Max was a little distracted with you done there."

I laugh, "Of course. "

"So I talked to our boss, Hoppo, and he said as long as you're a lifeguard in America, you could technically be involved in a rescue. So I was thinking that if we have to get the jet ski out, you could assist?"

I raise my brows, "Really? That would be awesome"

"Oi, Maxi! Are we just letting beautiful girls sit in the tower now?"

Maxi and I both turn around to see a guy walking in. He's shirtless with a lot of cool tattoos and he's really good looking.

Maxi laughs, "Jake, this is Blair. She's a lifeguard in America. Blair, this is Jake. He's a lifeguard. "

Jake walks up and shakes my hand, "It's nice to meet you, Blair. I heard some rumblings last night in the group text about a beautiful girl from America. "

I raise my brows and laugh, "Oh really? They must've been talking about someone else. "

Jake laughs and shakes his head, "They definitely weren't. "

I smile as he gives me a look. He's flirting with me.

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