"You need to rest Gage," Michelle said before she is shoved to the side again, earning a laugh from Ethan. Gage slams the sliding glass door open, it falls off its hinges shattering to the ground. He takes off full speed to Mac's pack house, he doesn't change, his wolf being weaker than his human form at the moment and it would only slow him down.

He runs up to the house, the door wide open from Ethan leaving earlier. He runs in remembering exactly where Mac's room was. Ethan stopped at the front of the house to put clothes on.

"What's going on?" Jason asked Ethan, Gage just running past him.

"Mac needs Gage to live," Ethan said, happy and sad at the same time.

"Mac," Gage shouted, throwing her door open.

She looked just like she did the week before except cleaner. Her silver hair thrown across the pillow, she is in pajamas lying on her stomach. She is in a tank top, he can see Zane etched across her ribs, just barely showing where the tank top rode up. He examined the rest of her back, seeing the alpha mark, the scratches that surrounded it, and a dark line forming on her right shoulder blade. Somehow he wasn't surprised to find these new markings, almost like they were there all along.

 She doesn't wake, just moves a bit on the bed telling him she is alive. "Mac," he said quieter now walking up to her. He lays down next to her, taking her hand in his. "Mac," Gage whispers again but this time he is relieved when Mac opens her eyes. He is a bit disappointed that her blue eyes hadn't come only silver eyes looking at him.

"Gage," Mac whispered, she takes her hand away from his slowly tracing his face. "I'm hurt," Mac said, the trembles coming back.

"Mac," Gage pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. He felt a slight sting against his chest but he didn't pull away to see what it was, all he was concerned about was having Mac close to him. "What can I do?" 

"Just be here, for now," Mac said, she lets the tears fall. "I thought I lost, and you brought me back."

"I will always bring you back," Gage said, placing a small kiss on her forehead. He strokes her hair, feeling the tears fall lightly on his chest. He could hear her light breath and it was heaven to his ears. He smiled but didn't move, not wanting to wake her. He didn't know what he was feeling or why he was feeling it. Sandy said it was because he went through a traumatic event and that made sense to him, but at the same time how could Mac being alive be traumatic.

Gage was wandering around the kitchen trying to find food to make for Mac. It had been three days and he hadn't left her side. Cooper had been around and Gage would leave the room but other than that he hadn't left her side.

"Whatcha doing?" Collin asked from behind him, scaring Gage a bit. He was too caught up in thinking of Mac he didn't hear him come in.

"Cooking, where are the noodles?" Gage asked Collin pointed to a cabinet to his right.

"Making Mac some delicious grub?" Collin questioned taking a seat at the counter.

"She needs to eat," Gage said, putting the noodles in the boiling water.

"True," Collin said, a smile appears on his face. "I heard how you shoved both Sandy and her parents."

"I thought Mac was dying," Gage said, stirring the pot around.

"Sure," Collin said. "Oh, by the way, does the jittery rabbit run under the bridge mean anything to you?" Collin asked he doesn't want to give Gage the chain. He was just actually going to give it to Mac once she gets a little better.

Gage's headshot up staring at Collin. It did mean something. It was a child book his mom use to read to him. The rabbit is the first story. His favorite story in the book was called "Black Love." Morbid title but it was a prince who was tricked into loving one girl why his true love was the savior. And there was something about a stone. He didn't remember it that well but the rabbit story was his mom's favorite.

"My mom's favorite children's book why?" Gage said.

"Oh no reason, just wondering," Collin said, they hear the timer beep, meaning the noodles are done. "Have you even talked to Sandy since you got here?" Collin asked changing the subject.

"Um, no. I mean Sandy is fine health-wise. Mac is sick she needs help," Gage stated pouring in the spaghetti sauce. He remembers the day he threw spaghetti at Mac's back it felt like just yesterday but was forever ago.

"Sure," Collin said a smirk on his lips.

"I know your sarcastic sure and shove it up your ass," Gage said, grabbing a tray to put the food on. He also grabs a vase placing a rose in it, he had been doing this every time he had made Mac food a small bouquet forming in her room.

"And the flower?" Collin asked the smirk not leaving his lips.

"She is sick she needs something pretty," Gage said leaving the room, not letting Collin mock him again. He entered Mac's room surprised to see her sitting up, she was fiddling with her necklace. He couldn't really see it between her figures. "You're up." He placed the food in front of her.

"Spaghetti one of my favorites." She smiles before digging into the food.

"I didn't know that," Gage said, it was also the first time he didn't have to feed her. He kind of wanted to still.

"Learn something new every day," She said with her mouth full.

"Like how lady like you are," Gage said, handing her a napkin.

"Exactly," Mac said, she was still chewing her mouth full when she picks up the flower smells it and then added it the vase. Gage enjoyed how every time she got a flower that was what she did.

"Why are you still wearing that?" Gage said, noticing the necklace again but not really looking at it. He burned his clothes not wanting to remember Zanes.

"The silver on it burned Zane, plus it is a weird necklace and I like it," Mac said, she twiddles with it. She wasn't sure why she kept it, but something about it called out to her. She wanted to take it off the first day she woke up, but something held her back.

"I would think you wouldn't want anything to remind you of your time at Zane's," Gage said.

"The necklace isn't my biggest reminder," Mac said, she was staring at Gage.

"The burn on your back," Gage said taking a guess.

"That is a big one," Mac said, her face dropping to the food in front of her.

"How did you get it?" Gage asked, still wondering if it was Zane freak experiment.

"I was fighting Zane near a fireplace and to defend himself he grabbed a stick out of the fire, it just so happened to have his name at the end of it. That was the first time I got away." Mac said, no feeling really reached her.

"At least he is finally gone," Gage said, horrified by her story and trying to see the happy note.

"Is he?" Mac said, pushing her empty tray away.

"Well of course he is, Vamp burned him alive." Gage said, "I told you this."

"I don't mean Zane, I mean his leader. Zane was hard to control and yet somebody did and they wanted me. Plus there was Zane's assistant we never met. They are both still out there." Mac said she was looking at her hands thinking this through.

"Maybe they will lose interest," Gage said, he crawls over sitting next to her. He throws his arm around her waist bringing her in closer.

"Maybe," Mac said but doesn't really want to think about it.

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