The Siblings Scarred

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A wand. Like the ones from my dreams. It's user was a handsome man with brown hair and eyes. His dark cloak looked more like a Halloween costume than anything, but right now isn't really a time for comments like that. He stood there silently staring at us, his wand still aimed at us like we'd hurt him. I whimpered when he stepped closer to me," p-p-please don't."

He took another step forward," please don't what?"

"Please don't do whatever you were thinking about doing to my brother and me before I said something," lord help me, my sarcasm and smartassery hasn't changed since I woke up. Wait, did my leg just move? Are they usable now? 

"And what would that be?" 

"I don't know and I don't want to find out," I said, crossing my legs. I sat Harry down gently on the bed and tried to stand. I can do it, just barely. I'm all wobbly and discombobulated. While I was slightly distracted, the stranger pointed his wand at Harry and said a few words I didn't understand. I dived in front of my brother, only just able to block the spell with my arm as a flash of green light hit both of us. When I opened my eyes, the man was gone and we were in a whole other room. The blast had caused the floor in our room to collapse and we landed in the empty room below us. 

Woah, why does everything look so....huge? AM I SHRINKING?!! Did that guy make me shrink? No, not shrink. It's like he stole my adolescence. Harry began to cry and I went to him, wiping away his tears with my small hands. "Shh, shh." I said, pulling him into a hug. There were footsteps gradually coming toward us, trudging through the rubble of the building. Now that I think about it, this "hospital" is pretty barren. The part of the building that was missing didn't have anyone in it. Except for me, Harry, and the person coming toward us. 

I heard a cry that was neither Harry's nor my own. In the corner, cowering beneath a table was a boy with long dark hair and tearful green eyes, just like mine. I left Harry on the now broken bed, trying not to make too much noise in case the footsteps coming our way was the man who'd caused all this. I crept over to the crying boy. He looked to be about my age and nearly as soon as I'd reached him, he'd captured me in a hug. I felt him relax when I returned the friendly gesture and we made our way back onto the bed, holding hands. We didn't let go of each other, even when the footsteps finally stopped. 

The person who'd been making them revealed himself. He was a tall man with straight black hair, obsidian eyes, and a hooked nose. His clothes were concealed by a dark cloak, although I'm almost positive they were black as well. He peered at us, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw the little boy we were sitting along the sides of. In an instant, his attention was brought to something on the ground over in the next room. His eyes filled with tears and he rushed to it. No, it wasn't an 'it'. It was a her. More specifically, the woman who'd claimed to be my mother...

A/N: Alright here ya go people! This bitch is sick as hell and it ain't fun. But I hope you enjoyed this part. Let me know what you think is going to happen. See ya next time!

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