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"As you all know, a couple of your peers were placed in St. Mungo's for the past few years." Dumbledore stood at his podium after the sorting and introduction of the schools joining us for the Triwizard Tournament. "It please me to say that those students are now perfectly fine and healthy, and will be continuing their studies here at Hogwarts this year. May I welcome Kaiden and Katherina Snape!"

Kaiden and I walked out of the small hallway just outside of the Great Hall. We were greeted with large amounts of applause, and lots of hugs,  but most of all, the lovingly fragile gaze of Severus Snape.

He came to the middle of the large room and stood silent, the whole of the student body watching us closely. Kaiden and I walked up to him slowly, our faces just as expressionless as his.

We stood there in silence for at least a minute before the dark wizard spread his arms and welcomed us into a tight hug. The whole of the Hall erupted with applause once again at the sight, some of the students didn't even know what was going on.

"We're back Daddy," I whispered to him as he led us to the Gryffindor table.

"And here you will stay," He nodded stiffly, making his way back to the staff table.

The dinner was lavish as usual. All together, the Golden trio and the Snape twins caused a riot at the Gryffindor table. You can only imagine how much trouble it was when the first years were being escorted to their common rooms.

"Oh Katherina, Kaiden how lovely to see you well my dear children." Sir Nicholas greeted us.

"Long time no see, Sir Nicholas. Have you been excepted into the Headless Hunt this year?" I inquired, kindly ask the staircase the group to first year's was standing on, not to move.

"Unfortunately not, dear girl. But I must persevere, or I may never seek my goal." He said sternly, floating into the library.

When they reached the Painted Lady, Kaiden said the password and showed the students in. Percy was being a bit of a slowpoke this year.

"Now that you know where you're supposed to be and the password to get in here, who has questions?" Kaiden sat down on a couch, me right next to him of course.

A boy came out and said it," your last names are Snape right? Are you related to our Potions professor?"

"That's a very good question. Well, you see, Kaiden and I are the children of Prof. Snape." I answered.

"Will we have to call you Snape too? That's going to be confusing!" An adorable girl said.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to call us by our last names. You can call us Kate and Kaiden if you like." Kaid smiled.

"What house are you in?" A small boy in the back that reminded me of Neville gave us his question.

He's like a wee Neville!

Isn't he cute! I admired the younger boy in my brain. He was just too cute!

"Kaiden and I are what we like to call House Hoppers. We go from house to house weekly gaining, and maybe even losing, house points. We don't play for a specific quidditch team and we don't stick to one characteristic."

The questions went a little bit past curfew but in the end, all of the children went to bed on time. As we walked back to our separate common room, the sound of uneven footsteps echoed through the halls.

Alastair "Mad-eye" Moody grabbed both of our shoulders, trying to nail us for something we'd been doing wrong. Kaiden and I both drew our wands and turned around at the same exact time.

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