All Hallows Eve

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"Check out the decorations!" I cheered, pointing at the floating Jack  o'lanterns in the Great Hall. After the incident with Marina Blackwell, Kaiden and I were allowed to continue school.

Luckily, due to the cursed necklace, I was exempt from having to marry Draco in the future. Somehow, I don't believe that's gonna stop him and his dad from trying.

"Good morning Harry, Ron. Did you remember to finish your Transfiguration homework?" Kaiden asked with a yawn. He had another nightmare last night. Dumbledore gave us the older version of the Slytherin common room, it was pretty much all storage now.

Together, we were able to clean out the dormitory and the common room. We officially had our own personal quarters!

"We had to stay up past curfew to finish, but it all worked out in the end." Harry answered, piling pancakes into his plate.

I stabbed my fork into a sausage and sighed," it wasn't that difficult. All you had to do was list the three major spells we're learning this year and explain what they do and what they're incantations mean."

"We got it done just as quickly as our Potions homework," Kaiden smirked, picking up a little bit from Papa.

Right, the Potions homework we didn't do...

Ron's thoughts flooded my head as I cut my waffles into bite sized pieces. "You didn't do the homework did you?"

"How did you know?" Harry marveled, a fork still fixed between his lips.

"Intuition," my twin and I said together.

"Can you help us? It's hard enough having separate classes all over the bloody castle. Don't even get me started in the stairs. It's just a little bit of homework!" Ron began to plead as I'd we had already said no.

"The only advice I can give you is that the instructions for the assignment are on the parchment." I shook my head in disdain. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Plus, Papa can read my damn thoughts.


I gave him a thumbs up as a sign that I heard him loud and clear.

When are we doing the thing?

Kaiden asked, taking a big bite of his bacon strip. I lifted my glass to my lips and answered:

Lunch sounds good. You ready?

He snickered to himself.

I'm ready Freddy!


We stopped our inner thoughts there, not wanting Father to figure out what we were planning. After breakfast, we made it to our first class of the day; Charms.

Prof. Flitwick stood atop a pile of books, prepared to welcome us to another day in his class. "Please students, take your seats."

Kaiden and I sat on the Gryffindor side of the room lazily, tickling each other with the assigned materials. The teacher grabbed our attention and reminded us of the swish and flick motion.

While some students were getting their hand motions wrong, others, Draco especially, were butchering the spell. It's Levio-SA not Levio-SARR!

While Hermione schooled Ron, I did my best to keep Seamus from blowing himself, and others, up. I levitated my feather easily, Kaiden getting the hang of it soon after.

"My, my! It's seems that Ms. Granger and the Brookwell twins have done it!" Flitwick beamed, watching our feathers dance around in the air.

Then we heard a huge explosion. I rolled my eyes impatiently. "Clean up on aisle Seamus."

Harry giggled at my comment, the ash covered part of his face showing how much damage really went down. "I think we're going to need another feather over here Professor."

The group of friends left the class as soon as they were dismissed, Ron making a dumb statement about Hermione's intelligence. When she burst past us crying, I didn't go after her. There was no point, there was absolutely nothing in that situation I could've done but let her think about things.

She'll be fine by dinner... hopefully.

As we were enjoying dinner, Harry got a bit of gossip out of Neville about the tawny eyed lass who was still crying. Then of course, Quirell comes crashing through the doors. Without his stutter, might I add.

"Troll! Troll in the dungeons!" He stopped right in front of us. "Thought you ought to know." He passed out and the whole hall when into panic, Draco probably crapped his pants at the thought of where the Slytherin dungeons were.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled, causing the whole assembly to hush. "Prefects, you will lead your houses back to your common rooms. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

Percy stood and directed Harry and the rest to the common rooms. Then the golden boy remembered poor Hermione, still crying in the girls restroom. Since we didn't have a perfect, Kaiden and I followed the boys. Just a precaution of course.

We saw the big stupid troll enter the ladies room without hesitation. I guess he can't read. Trailing after Harry and Ron, I tried to let Papa know where we were but got no answer.

After some time in the bathroom, Harry, Ron, and Hermione lost a couple of house points. Father was not pleased with us at all.

"Katherina Eleanor Snape, Kaiden Etticus Snape! Do you two know how worried I was?! I went to see of you were in your bedroom and you were gone! Not even a warning, or a 'hey dad, I'm going to face a bloody mountain troll with your permission'." He shouted, his exhaustion shining through.

"I'm sorry Papa, we didn't mean to make you worry." I apologized after his tangent.

Kaiden was hiding behind me, shaking desperately. "I-I I'm sorry." He sobbed.

"Don't cry son, I've no reason to hit you. Nor did I need to raise my voice," he sighed. His face softened for a moment and then he spotted the tiniest bit of expensive clothing and slicked back blonde hair. "What do you need now Lucius?"

"Oh nothing," the man stepped out of the shadows, keeping his distance from the sleeping troll. "Just popping in."

"You've been popping in an awful lot lately," I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Kate, take your brother to your rooms. Make sure he calms down before you send him to sleep," Father instructed.

"Yes Dad," I nodded my head and took my shivering brother to our common room. We cuddled there on the comfortable couches and fell asleep. We held hands the whole night, clinging for dear life.

The Brookwell twins; inseparable...

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