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"Wake the fuck up, little brother!" I laughed.

"Mm? Is it Monday already?" Kaiden rubbed his eyes as he sat up, his shimmering black hair Ina messy array.

"No, silly! It's time for breakfast!" I cheered, yawning loudly.

"Did it have to be such a loud wake up call?" He groaned, straightening out his night shirt.

"Hell yeah!" I giggled, rushing down into our living room. "Woah!"

"What in Merlin's hairy balls?" Kaiden cursed loudly, his jaw nearly touching the floor. Inside our living room was a bunch of wrapped boxes, all of them were quite small. There sure were a lot.

"I thought we had cleaned everything up already?" My brother tilted his head in a questioning motion.

"I'm pretty sure we did. But even if we didn't, there weren't that many boxes in here were there?" I scratched my head, stepping further into the room.

"Hey look, there's a note!" My ever observant twin snatched the parchment off the table. He read aloud," for the two who's rarity surpasses even my own."

"That's.... Interesting?" I shrugged, grabbing the smallest box I could find. I ripped off the sleek wrapping and lifted the lid of the container carefully.

I pulled out what looked to be a blanket of some kind. It was pitch black and fluffy, almost emitting an aura. As I went to examine the blanket further, it snatched itself from my hands and flew to the other side of the room.

"Kate, I think the blanket is scared of us," Kaiden commented, sitting down next to me.

"No kidding," I mumbled.

Hey Dad, some weird shit is going down in here. Mind coming over?

I'll be right there.

"Is Father coming?" My brother questioned, blowing strands of hair out of his face.

"Yup, until he gets here let's try to make friends with Fluffy over there." I pointed to the soft cloth, cowering behind our couch.


I took a few steps toward the ruffly item. "Hey there! We know you're scared, but we don't kill pretty blankets." The blanket stayed behind the small wall of wrapped boxes.

"My name is Katherina Snape and this is my brother Kaiden." As soon as the blanket heard our names it slowly crept out of its hiding place. With a huge puff of smoke, the blanket split in two, and made itself into cloaks.

"Woah!" My eyes widened. I couldn't sense any curse of any kind on it so I figured they were safe to touch. Then a scrap of paper flew from out of the cloak.

I read it this time," within these cloaks, a spell is held. To make two timelines twist and meld. When you awaken once again, in a new timeframe you will meet your friends."

Then, in the blink of an eye, I found myself laying in the hospital wing. I looked around for my brother to find no one else there. I immediately began to freak out.

I ran out of the room as fast as I could, calling out his name. Then I heard his voice, it was definitely deeper now. I guess we grew some.

"Kaiden?" I yelled, disturbing nurses and doctors along the way. 

"Kate? Kate!" His voice sounded behind me before I was enveloped in a huge hug.

"What the hell were they thinking keeping us apart?!" He had tears of joy in his eyes. I bet they weren't so happy a minute ago.

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