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It's been at least a week since those strange people claiming to my parents have gone. They haven't come back but someone did come and help me off the floor. The soft sheets were a welcome change, but I still didn't trust anyone. My hunger has come back to me and the door doesn't seem to be locked all the time, not like I could get to it anyway. From my place on the bed, I can see everything in the room. It isn't much, just a chair and small table and the bed.

The door creaks open as I'm examining my surroundings for the fiftieth time today. I turn to look and find the people I most dreaded to see. That nerd and his wife have come back to haunt me. "What do you want?" I sneer at them, crossing my usable limbs. The lady seemed to hold a glint of recognition in her eyes before she spoke to me," we've come to take you home, Katherina."

"Hey, I've got a few questions. Where am I? Who are you? Why am I here? Where's my brother? Why can't I remember anything? Trust me when I say the list goes on," my gaze grew heated when they didn't answer right away. "Perhaps I spoke too quickly for you dunderheads to understand. I want to know where I am, why I'm here, and who you are. Right now." My speaking is slow and monotone. 

The red haired woman spoke again," well dear, this is a hospital just outside of London and you're here because...." She trailed off.

Her husband picked up after her," you're here because of frightening dreams you've been having. From what we've heard you mutter, you think you have an older brother and a father who teaches magic at a school somewhere off in the middle of nowhere. We, your parents, brought you here to get help. You've been in a coma a few years, growing up in your fantasy world. Away from us."

I can't believe it! It can't all have been a dream, it felt so real. Now that I think about it, the amount of times I passed out and woke up again must've been my body trying to wake up. "After a while, your little brother Harry was born. We brought him along with us. Would you like to see him?" I nodded after a few seconds and the lady claiming to be my mother left and came back in with a baby in her arms. He was cute enough with bright green eyes and a tiny tuft of dark hair that laid straight over his forehead. I smiled down at him when he looked toward me.

And then our moment was interrupted when a loud explosion took the wall opposite the bed. When the dust had cleared, Harry was in my arms and my so-called parents were gone. I tried to calm the crying boy down, holding him close to me as I saw a figure in a dark cloak enter through the large hole where the wall was supposed to be. His shoes clicked on the hard floor as he landed. Without a word, he pointed a long silvery-white stick at Harry and I. No...not a stick.

It was a wand.

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