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I've been here, I don't know how long. I haven't felt the urge to eat or sleep or act remotely alive in the first place. I've tried moving, but my legs just can't seem to work right. They won't move and I'm stuck on the floor. There are times when I think I can hear footsteps just outside the walls of my confined area, voices too. But they never get any louder than a whisper. I have a feeling I'll see someone today, maybe in a dream of some sort. 

Maybe I'll remember something about my brother, whatever his name was. All I can do right now is wait..

After the wait...

My face lit up at the sight of the handle-less door creaking open, but my smile quickly disappeared when I saw who it was. The strangers held a bouquet of flowers and wore smiles as wide as the Mississipi River. I scooted toward the back wall and stayed there, my knees pulled into my chest. The two adults stepped closer to me, whispering," hey Katie. Sweety, everything is going to be alright now. Mom and I are gonna take you home to meet your new baby brother and everything is gonna be back to the way it was, okay?"

"W-Wh-Who a-are you?" I looked up at them, my eyes wide. The man sported medium length hair that parted off to the right with a small curl at the end, his clothes were casual and the thick glasses he wore gave off a nerdy feel. The lady wore her long red hair down and a simple jacket with a baggy T-shirt and jeans.

The man edged closer," we're sorry for making you wait. It took us a while to convince the doctors to let us take you home, but it all worked out in the end." He extended his hand to me," come on, we can stop at Sonic on the way home if you're feeling hungry."

I smacked his hand away," go away! I don't know you! I want my Papa, my twin brother!" I screeched. They looked surprised for a moment but then backed away from me. My breathing was heavy as I watched them go, eventually evening out as I grew more and more tired. Before I nodded off, a strand of black hair fell into my face. Huh? I thought as I closed my eyes for the first time in days. That's strange, why is my hair black again? Was it dyed just to freak me out? What did those people mean by baby brother? I've only got one brother and he's older than me. It's only by a few minutes, but still...

What am I gonna do? What if Papa and what's-his-face never come to save me? Will I be stuck here forever with weekly visits from those weird people? Let's just hope it doesn't come to that...

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