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Today is officially the first day of school. I'm beyond ecstatic at the idea of doing spells. The whole mix of the founders thing did sink in, but it wasn't as troubling for us as it was for Papa.

He was horribly tired this morning. The dark circles under his eyes had darkened slightly and his walk wasn't as straight. He walked more like a groggy teenager on a Monday.

"Papa you didn't sleep last night did you?" I inquired as I brushed out my twin's long hair carefully. I would let him do it on his own, but it'd be knotted and tangled by first class.

"Are you unwell Father?" Kaiden reached up to touch his hair. I smacked his hand away.

"I just didn't sleep well. I'll be fine after breakfast," he sighed, grabbing his wand off of a table. I finished with my brother's hair and expertly braided it out of his face, leaving the rest of it to flow freely down his back. Mine was fixed in the same way.

"Let's go! I want to meet with the guys before breakfast," I tugged him along toward the great hall, placing my wand back within my sleeve. We met up with Harry and Ron right outside of the hall. Ron looked about ready to die if he didn't eat some food.

"Let's sit down. I think he's hungry," I chuckled, pointing towards Ron. Harry agreed and we settled down for a nice breakfast. Papa had already seated himself and begun eating. There was more color to his face than before but he still looked exhausted.

"I've been wondering for a while now, but why is your hair so long Kaiden?" Ron asked over a mouthful of bacon and eggs.

"I like it this long. It kind of feels like I'm actually on the ground with weight on my head. I've had it like this for so long to where I fear I'd fall over because my head isn't used to being so light." he tried to touch his head again. I smacked his hand and shook my head no.

"That makes sense. Believe it or not I got a haircut once and the next day it had grown back. At least I know what caused it now," Harry smiled.

I took the last couple of bites of bacon from my plate and popped them into my mouth," we should get going. We have Transfiguration first and I don't think that Prof. McGonagall is someone we want to be on bad terms with from the first day."

"I second that," Kaiden jumped out of his seat next to me, Harry and Ron close behind. We made it to the classroom with plenty of time to spare. Our new teacher was already getting ready for our arrival.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed us in the doorway," oh dear. I wasn't expecting students so early. Have you got your books with you?"

"Oh! Almost forgot!" I took four miniaturized textbooks out of my pocket. I took out my wand, said a few words and they were back to normal size.

"Thanks sis," Kaiden took his book from me gratefully. Harry and Ron still had their jaws locked to the floor just from the sight of me doing magic.

"Thanks Katherina," they said together.

"Call me Kate," I smiled," Katherina is a mouthful."

"That was exceptional Ms. Brookwell. I've never seen anyone use that spell on the first day." McGonagall sped up to where we were seating ourselves.

"I may have looked over my books on the train," I said shyly, trying desperately to hold down a blush.

"You three should learn from her. She's probably the only reason you made it to class today," the teacher's eyes bore into the boys.

"I can do that too. It was Kate's turn this time is all," Kaiden said proudly. I gave him a high five and opened my book to the assigned page.

"Sure," she swirled around and walked back to her desk.

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