My Name Is...

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"Huh?" I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was strange, like I'd just woken up from a long dream. Then the tears came when I saw that my brother wasn't here with me. "Kaiden?! Big Brother? Papa?! Anybody?!" I screamed, wiping tears from my eyes as I listened for a reply that would never come. It was a few minutes after my outbursts when I'd finally calmed down. I slowly pulled myself out of the bed. 

My knees buckled beneath me when I tried to stand, leaving me on the cold floor in this unknown room in this unknown place. I felt the familiar sting of tears welling in my eyes as I thought of how helpless I'd become. Normally I was the one comforting others, so to have no one in my one time of need feels like I've been left stranded on some island somewhere with no hope of return. My emotions are cloudy and I can't decipher a single thought without a fuzzy memory zipping past my point of focus and ending up in the Restricted Section of my brain, never to be brought out again.

The Restricted Section...that's a place isn't it? A real place I've gone, whether it be in secret or with permission, right? I can't remember.Someone sent me there, me and my brother and another kid. Wait, my brother...what was his name? Ah, I need to remember! I grabbed hold of some of my long hair and was shocked by the color. It wasn't its regular deep onyx, but a fiery red instead. Red, like the color of blood. I don't like it, in fact, I hate it. What kind of prank is this?

I have black hair, like my dad and brother. What were their names again? Ugh, why can't I remember anything?! There has to be a reason I'm here, a purpose I must fulfill. There's no way I'm supposed to just sit here! I have to escape! Maybe, my memories will come back once I'm free of this place. Yeah, hehe! That has to be it! I have to leave here, go someplace else! Papa and %&$# won't be able to find me here...

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