Wake Up!

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"Fleur, Fleur wake up." I hissed, slithering into her bed. I had decided to frighten the lovely french girl with a snake hug. 

"Huh?" She opened her eyes to find a rather nice set of razor sharp teeth staring back at her. She screamed bloody murder as she tried to escape from my loose hold. Deciding I had had enough fun for now, I changed back into my regular self and helped her up from the floor.

"You alright there? Wasn't trying to give you a heart attack," I smiled.

"Where did the snake go?" She looked around.

"That must've been a dream. You're probably just nervous about the tourney, it is a lot of pressure you're under." I lied. Being an unregistered animagus is a dangerous thing after all.

"A dream, right..." She sounded weird all of a sudden. Then it hit me, her accent was gone!

"Are you alright Fleur?" I asked as my vision soon became very blurry. Then I heard a loud voice on the left side of me.

"Wake her up, wake her up now!" The voice wasn't familiar in the slightest, but the person who began to shake me was very familiar. It was Papa, he seemed scared. Very scared. He shook me quite harshly, as if using magic wouldn't have been the better option.

I opened my eyes to find that I was no longer within my home but a classy mansion instead. In front of me stood two men, one of them my father and the other a man with pale skin and slitted eyes. Did I mention he didn't have a nose? Anyway, their faces were filled with the hints of...happiness?

Well they looked happy," ah, the beautiful witch awakens." The noseless man smiled, his arms held up in a dramatic gesture.

"Papa, what's going on? Who's this?" My voice was hoarse and raspy.

The raven haired male seemed a bit urked by the question, but answered me nonetheless," this is The Dark Lord, dear girl." I was about to repeat his words when he held his hand up and stopped me," all will be revealed soon. In the meantime, you should get dressed. It is unfitting for a maiden to show to that much skin ever."

I looked down and sure enough, I was some rather nice looking underwear. To be fair, this did bother me a bit, but what really bothered me was the size of my chest. Years of being a bloody washboard and they grow now?! Seriously?! "Where's Kaiden, he must be worried?" I queried, covering myself from the red eyes of the pale guy.

"Your brother has not yet awakened from his slumber, now please cover yourself with more then just a blanket." The two left and a woman entered. Her dark messy hair and sleek style were nice and all, but she had the aura of a crazy person.

"Let's find you something pretty to put on over that maiden's body of yours, shall we?" She sounded kind of angry, like the jealous type of angry. I nodded my head, finding my need to say anything gone. I watched as she pulled out a deep blue dress. 

"What's the special occasion?" I queried, running a hand through my wavy black hair

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"What's the special occasion?" I queried, running a hand through my wavy black hair.

"Tonight is the night we celebrate Severus' promotion to Headmaster of Hogwarts?" She answered me as I dressed. The garment was soft and beautifully made, but unfortunately, it was a dress.

"Why? What happened to Dumbledore?" I asked, only hoping for the best.

The witch cackled loudly before yelling," your Daddy went and killed him because baby Draco couldn't do it! And to think that Lucius wanted to marry his lousy son off to someone as important as you!"

"Has the school year st-" And this time, time decided to jump.

"Yo sis, wake up. Prof. Umbridge is here!" I heard Kaid whisper.

"What is she doing here so early? School hasn't even started moving yet." I grumbled, magically knowing who Umbridge was. I sat up and raked a hand through my messy hair, trudging into the common room a second later. "My sincerest apologies for my current state of dress, Professor." I said, taking a comb to my wavy raven colored mess.

The stout woman seemed slightly peeved that I was still dressed in a black moo moo without my hair done, hence why I apologized. Despite this, she smiled and said," not to worry dear, I only came to ask about your place here at Hogwarts. I was wondering what house you were sorted into or about why Malfoy speaks so highly of you."

"Professor, we proudly identify as GSRH or Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff all together. If you'd like more details then I suggest you go to Prof. Dumbledore or our father. As for your other question, assuming you were referring to the older one, he wishes his son and I to be married one day." I answered her simply, beginning the horrible process of taming my brother's hair.

"Katie, did you commandeer my copy of the daily prophet again?" I heard Papa come in behind her. He looked to Umbridge and then to me and back again," am I...interrupting something?"

"Nope, now what was it that you wanted to ask?" Kaid sat back in the chair I'd forced him into. "If it's about that bloody newspaper, then I think Katia used it as fuel for the fire."

"Kaiden I know you're lying," Papa smirked.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about." He denied.

"It's very easy to tell, my son, because whenever you lie, you use the Russian version of your sister's name." Damn...he's good. Although, I'm not the one who sentenced the paper to trial by fire.

"Son, what happened to it?" 

"Nothing of severe consequence," Kaid avoided eye-contact and returned his focus to the lady in pink. "Now's your chance to ask, madam."

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