Chapter 22: The Others Will Hear

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   The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. You yawned and rubbed your eyelids before looking around the room.

"Jimin..?" You lowly called out, but there was no answer. You swung your feet off your bed and walked over to the bathroom to brush your teeth and use the bathroom like you normally do every morning. When you finished, you walked over to the kitchen to the smell of bacon growing stronger and stronger. You turned the corner and found Jin standing at the stove, cooking by himself.
"Jin..?" You mumbled scratching your arm.
"Oh, good morning Y/N, I don't think we've formally met." He put the bacon that was in the pan onto a plate and removed his apron.
"I'm Jin, as you already know. Nice to properly meet you."
He stuck out his hand and smiled.
"Y/N. Nice to properly meet you too." You introduced yourself shaking his hand.
"Do you know where the boys are?" You questioned as you sat at the table.
"They went out to buy more eggs."
"Ahhh I see. What are you making?"
"French toast." He replied taking a sip of his coffee.
"Can I help?"
Jin smiled and nodded his head.
"Of course. When they come back you can make the French toast and I'll make the scrambled eggs. Sound good?"
"Sounds great. I've been to your cafe and I really love your cooking."
Jin smiled and bowed his head. "Thank you so much, it's been running in the family since before I was even born, so I'm glad the youth enjoy it." He chuckled and took another sip of his drink.
"How long ago did the boys leave?" You questioned resting your head in the palms of your hands.
"A while ago, I don't know what's taking them so long."
Just then, the front door swung open.
"Jin, we're back." Hoseok yelled, the rest of the boys following behind him. Hoseok walked into the kitchen and smiled at you. "Good morning Y/N." his raspy voice greeted you, giving you a hug.
"Good morning Hobi, morning everyone."
You waved as they all walked into the kitchen with groceries. Jimin walked toward you and hugged you, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"Good morning Y/N~" he greeted warmly.
You hugged him back and smiled.
"Morning." You replied, getting out of your chair to help Jin with breakfast.
As you cooked, Jin gave you tips and pointers to stay consistent with the way you cook. Thanks to him, your toast was cooked better, he really is a great chef, even his eggs came out light and fluffy. You set the table with the food and some fruits, and called the boys into the kitchen for breakfast.
"Thanks Jin, Thanks Y/N." everyone thanked before serving themselves.
"You're welcome." You and Jin replied in unison.
As you ate, you remembered you had to meet Lisa soon to see Taehyung. You were about to bring it up, when Jungkook sighed.
"What's the matter kookie?" You questioned generally concerned.
"It's Taehyung..." he mumbled playing with his eggs. "He hasn't responded since last night, I'm worried about him..."
You pouted. You had completely forgotten to tell them what happened.
"Oh, Lisa told me his rib was bruised and it aggravated his lung, which is why he had the asthma attack. Plus his cold didn't make it any better. But he's at the hospital and he's healthy enough for visitors, so Lisa and I are going to visit him today around 2, want to come?"
Jungkook groaned and scratched his head.
"I can't, I have to help Hobi and Yoongi get the stuff out of the building." He complained.
"What time does visiting end?" Hobi questioned.
"I think 10 PM."
"Ah, so you'll have time to visit him Jungkook, don't worry." He assured him patting Jungkook's back.
"Yea yea.." he mumbled stuffing his face after.
"What about you Jin? Joonie?"
"Can't, not till around eight. I have work at the cafe today."
"I can't either, I promised mom I would help her with Aunt Christine."
You bit the inside of your cheek and turned to Jimin with sad eyes.
"Yes, I'm coming Y/N." he assured you.
You smiled and clapped your hands.
"Thank youu~" you happily replied eating the rest of your food. Jin giggled as he grabbed your empty dish.
"It's almost 11, so you should get ready."
You nodded your head and bowed.
"Thanks for the food Jin oppa."
He smiled and ruffled your hair. "Of course Y/N."
You then walked into your room and picked up your towel to go shower.
After a quick warm shower, you wrapped your towel around your body and opened your room door, closing it behind you. You walked over to your closet to pick out clothes when suddenly you heard the door lock.

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