Chapter 15- The Match

Start from the beginning

Slowly walking up to the ring, I stepped up into the rather large space. I stopped when Keegan rested his warm hand on my forearm. Looking slightly up into his soft bright blue gaze, I felt my body start to become hypnotized once again.

"Kick his ass, Hails," Keegan murmured and then slipped out of the ring.

Looking in the center of the ring, I saw the symbol of the Ghosts. It looked just like Logan's mask. Stepping to the corner where a stool sat, I kicked off my shoes and fixed my straps on my black spaghetti strapped tank top. My gray, skin-tight Under Armor kapreez touched the bottom of my kneecaps. The two inch dark and neon green striped top of the kapreez came up to my belly button. My hair was pulled up in a ponytail and a few of my baby hairs sat in front of my ears. I wore black socks.

"Let's see what Keegan's girlfriend has," Logan raised his fists.

Copying Logan, I slowly went to the edge of the Ghost symbol and waited for Logan to make a move. In his black tank top, I could see Logan's arm muscles easily. He was strong and was going to be hard to get on the floor. Ha.....and Keegan must be even stronger because he made it look easy.

"Make your move, Rookie," Logan taunted, but I knew better.

My father, who had been a Spec Ops soldier originally, told me when I was very young that you had to make your opponent strike first, no matter how bad you wanted to use a move on them. I used my father's words now. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Keegan, Merrick, Hesh, and Kick watching me intently. But why just me and not Logan too? What had Hesh told Kick?

When my gaze went back to the fight, I saw Logan take a step closer. We were inches from each other now. Logan had a gleam of amusement in his eyes and I wanted to wipe it off, so I did. Lightly punching Logan in the face, I quickly backed away from him.

"Good, but hit harder!" Logan murmured.

I, once again, got distracted by the others talking, so I turned to face them. Keegan's gaze widened when I turned. I felt the wind of Logan's fist coming at my back, so I quickly ducked and summer-salted backwards. As Logan was in mid-swing, he spun around and went to punch me with his right hand. I held up my left hand to block, but something else happened.

Squinting my eyes shut, I held my breath- waiting for my arm to break, but it never came. Slowly opening one eye, I saw my hand pushing Logan's hand away from me. I had actually blocked his blow and I had caught his fist while doing it.

"Damn," I heard Keegan's low murmur close-by and I turned to look at my right to see him.

"Well," Kick said loudly. "Finish him."

I saw Logan's eyes widened, but I quickly ran forwards and brought his arm with me. Pulling, I flipped Logan over on his stomach with a loud thud.

"Keegan's girlfriend," I bent on one knee to whisper in Logan's ear, "just kicked your ass."

Turning, I saw Keegan grinning at me. "You're one tough bitch."

The others got up and left the room in silence, talking in a low voice. Logan got out of the ring before me and nodded to Keegan before following the others. Watching Logan exit the room, I didn't realize he had opened up the rope to walk down the stairs to exit. Falling, I waited for the bruises and pain, but it never came. Instead, when I opened my eyes, I was being held bridal style in Keegan's arms.

"S-Sorry," I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Why do you always apologize?" Keegan set me down slowly and calmly.

"Because," I snapped.

"That's not a reason," Keegan pressed and I finally broke.

"Because I am sorry for everything that's happened in the last two years. My mother's dead, my brother was murdered, my work and life got ruined! Why wouldn't I be sorry? I'm sorry, furious, sad-"

Before I was able to say anything more, Keegan cupped my cheeks and pulled my lips to his. With my hands on his chest, I felt my feelings going into him, making Keegan kiss me rougher. When I was finally relaxed, I felt Keegan move his hands down to my hips where he pulled me into a hug.

"I understand. Trust me I do," Keegan whispered in my ear and I tightened my arms around his neck. "But that doesn't mean you have to block your new life and family from your past. We care about you- I care about you. You can tell me anything and no other living thing would ever know. Know why? Because I care about you and I want this thing between us to have no secrets kept. Deal?"

Pulling my head back from Keegan's neck, I nodded. "Deal."

We kissed again for a few moments and I felt any last ounce of hidden love between us disappear. We were connected now and we both knew each other's secrets- at least I felt like it.

"Let's go eat," Keegan intertwined my hand in his and led me back to the locker-rooms where we changed into our uniforms.

Walking together to the separate diner we had for just us five Ghosts, I felt Keegan's presence very close to me. Before we turned to head down the hallway, I bumped into Keegan's shoulder and intertwined my hand with his once again. I didn't care if the others saw, there was no protocol in the Ghosts that could stop us and if we loved each other, nothing would stop that ever.


Aw. I thought that last little part was kinda cute. I mean Keegan's little speech and everything....that has to be a little bit sweet right?


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