The girls, the guys, Sarah, and Panic! were already here when I got outside. Sarah hugged me.

"You look great, L," she whispered. Brendon hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Lookin' good," he whispered. "Don't worry, the boys will all over you today." He winked as he pulled away and headed off to help set up the decorations and instruments and equipment. I got hugs and happy birthdays from everyone. When the adults all headed off to set up decorations and such, I pulled aside the girls.

"So today, nobody knows the set list but us," I whispered as we sneaked off. "I want to add something. When we first get on stage, I want to do Love Drunk first. It reminds me of how I've been feeling about Bill. Then we can play Blood, Play, Girls, and whatever other covers you want to do. I have Fall Out Boy's set list and Panic!'s. I borrowed them off the kitchen counter this morning."

"Sounds like a plan," Chloe said. "Let's see they're set lists, and then I think we should play some MCR tonight. Maybe Na Na Na and This Is How I Disappear?"

"Let's do it!" Summer said happily.

"I'm all for it," Danni agreed.

The guests slowly started arrive. Soon, I noticed a familiar face walk through the gate onto the deck. I could recognize that blonde hair and face anywhere. Mikey Way. Mikey Way was at my birthday party. Mikey Way was going to see me perform with my band. Mikey Way was here.

"Oh my god," I said. I was standing with the girls and Patrick. They looked confused and turned to see what I was looking at.

"What?" Chloe asked.

"Mi- Mikey. . . Mikey W- Way," I stuttered.

"What!?" the girls screamed.

"Come on, Lyra!" Patrick said, taking my hand. He had a smile on his face and led me over to Mikey Way. "Hey, Mikey!"

"Oh, hey, Patrick!" Mikey said when he noticed us. "You must be Lyra. Happy birthday. I assume you know who I am?" I nodded.

"I'm a huge fan of My Chem.," I said. "Obviously not as much as I am of Fall Out Boy, but the music is amazing." I just kept talking and talking. Mikey and Patrick laughed. "I'm sorry, I don't usually talk this much."

"It's fine," Mikey laughed. "I'll see you around then?" I nodded and he walked off to talk to the Panic! guys.

"You invited Mikey Way to my birthday party!?" I whisper-yelled to Patrick. He smiled. Just then, a small group of people walked in. Oh god. . . . It was Gerard Way, Lyn-Z, and their daughter, Bandit. "You didn't!" I said.

"Oh, but I did," Patrick smirked. "Let's go say hi." Before I could respond, he had my hand and was leading me over to them.

"Oh, hey," Lyn-Z smiled. "You must be the birthday girl."

"This is my daughter, Lyra, the one I told you about," Patrick introduced with a smile. Lyn-Z hugged me and wished me a happy birthday, and so did Gerard. I wasn't sure what to do, so I hugged them back. Bandit giggled happily from her place beside her mom.

"It was nice meeting you, Lyra," Gerard smiled. "Happy birthday." And with that, he and his family walked off to join the party. Soon, most of the guests arrived -- including Frank Iero and Ray Toro -- and Patrick got up on the stage. He grabbed a microphone from its stand.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight!" he said to the crowd, which was now quiet. "We are going to let Lyra open her presents before we start serving the cake! After that, we will have some live performances, which will be announced as they come out to perform! So if everyone will head to the deck, we will start the presents!" He put the microphone back on its stand and joined me by the present table.

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