Chapter 33 - It's too late

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Lauren P.O.V


I’ve been laying here for a half an hour now. Shay’s naked body wrapped up to my half clothed one, the events of the weekend replaying in my head.


Friday afternoon my dad called me worried, wanting to know where I was. I told him I was staying at a friend’s and I needed to clear my head for a bit and I’ll be back soon. He was objective at first being the overly protective father he is but gave in after my much reassurance and promises that I was safe and wouldn’t do anything illegal.


That night followed with Saturday night, Shay and I went to parties on campus, Shay living only 5 minutes away. Oh did I mention Shay’s 20 and goes to Miami University, I know, score right.


After the parties we’d come home drunk, have sex, well it was more of me having sex with her cause obviously I wouldn’t let her touch me, I wasn’t ready for that yet and she didn’t seem to mind.


In the morning we’d avoid each other like a plague to dodge from the awkward talk about the night before. By evening we’d warm back up to each other and our cycle would start back. 


Shay started stirring in my arms, pecking one eye open she looked at me and smile. I smiled at how cute she was being and in that moment all I could think about was Camila. How I wished it was her in my arms.


I quickly dismiss that thought and got up off the bed going in to the shower. After getting ready for school I came back out and picked up my bag, the brunette’s eyes never leaving my body.


“Lauren?” She asked.


I sat down beside her on the bed which she was now dressed with her underwear and bra “Yeah”


“I enjoyed this weekend”


I looked at her “Me too”


“Maybe we can hang out some time, do this again?” She asked hopefully.


“Listen Shay I said this from the beginning, this is a onetime thing … Well one weekend thing” I replied softly.


“I know but any time you need someone or something like this again, feel free to drop by”


“I really appreciate it, thank you for everything” I said leaning down and kissing her forehead. “Bye beautiful” I smile






“So why’d you ditch Friday?” Normani asked


“Yeah I heard you when AWOL”


“Shut up Drew. I just needed to clear my head’ I replied.


“She got some” Dinah teased.


“No I didn’t” I defended.


Cece looked at me “You sure?”


“Okay fine I did” I confessed.


“Get it tiger” Wes cheered.


“Shut up and eat your food” I shot back.


“What if I want yours” He winked


“EWW” everybody harmonize.




I was walking through the hall way with my gym bag; I had just retrieved it from my car and now heading to practice. I was so lost in my thoughts singing to Little Talks by Monsters and Men in my head that I ran into someone, knocking them down and me falling on top of them.


“Shit” I muttered “I’m so sorry” I lifted myself in a push up position and looked down. “Well hello their” I smirk.


“Lauren get up” They shot back harshly.


“Why, I like this position” I winked


“Lauren I swear to God-


“Fine” I breathe out, helping her up.


“You know, I don’t get you!” She stated angrily, dusting off her clothes. “You were a total bitch to me not even a week ago and now you’re flirting with me!?” 


“Wow camz, I didn’t know you curse”


“Don’t call me that” She shot back “You just piss me of so much ahhh”


“Listen this weekend I had some time to think and I realize I shouldn’t have done that to you. You did things to me but I shouldn’t have reacted, especially like that. I’m sorry Camila”


She looked at me, tears on the brink of her eyes “You know the thing is, you never asked me why I did it. You just assume. I had my reasons Lauren”


“And I wanna hear them, I’m ready”


And what came next is what no one wants to hear. Every lover worst fear. What every beggar dreads.


“It’s too late”


A/N: Really short chapter guys I’m sorry but remember, never forget to smile, every single one of you are beautiful, it doesn’t matter what people say. Don’t forget to smile at the haters also.



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