Chapter 7 - Do you believe?

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No P.O.V

Sprinting down the stairs the green eye beauty grabbed her keys heading for the door. Opening the front door stood a brown hair girl with the biggest smile on her face (probably even bigger than Barney’s).

“Morning camzi” Lauren greeted a little too flirty.

“Hey lolo, I’m here to see Jen”

“Oh yeah, she isn’t home.” She spoke leaning on the door frame. “She tried calling you but you didn’t answer, she had to go out with my mom.”

“Oh umm I’ll go then” Said Camila as she turned to leave.

“No hey stay, you can hang with me” Lauren said as she reaches for the younger girl hand. “I’m just going for a drive you can join if you like”

Camila thought for a while then shrug her shoulders “eh why not”

Lauren grin from ear to ear locking the door and heading to her car. She got in with Camila in the passenger side and took off down the street.

“So where are we going” Camila ask

Lauren quickly glances at her “Just somewhere I like to go and think”


“Just stuff, it’s really beautiful.”


 “Here we are” Lauren said walking out of the car and to the front, Camila followed.

Both girls gaze fixed in front of them. They were currently at a cliff which over look part of Miami and the ocean it was truly breath taking, looking out and seeing the houses and cars it all look so tinny and the ocean so blue and glossy.

“You’re right it is beautiful” Camila look towards Lauren

“If I never had seen you I would say it was the most beautiful thing ever.” Lauren said a smile plastered on her face before realizing what she said.

“Wow I’m flattered Jauregui” the both girls bust out laughing.

Lauren P.O.V

I have no idea why I keep flirting with Camila, I mean yeah she’s gorgeous but I can’t think like that, she’s with my best friend plus she’s like a sister to me and worst I’m sure our mom’s would kill us if anything happen between us. But I can’t help the words that keep falling out my mouth, It’s like my mouth is controlling me, I’m not even thinking about what I’m saying. It’s like everything is just happening so fast, I’m not even sure of what’s going on.

We were silent for a while just enjoying each other’s company and look out at the sight while sitting on the grass at the edge of the cliff.

“Laur, do you believe in love?” She blurted out, our eyes locked in a gaze which nether of us want to depart from but I figure I should answer her so I looked away.

“Love is over rated” I simply stated

“You might think so because you never experience it”

“Because it doesn’t exist camz”  

“Why would you think that?”

“Ok, here is the thing” I said facing her. “Someone tells you they love you but that same person cheats on you, hurts you emotionally and physically, then what kind of love is that? My view on love is that it should be unconditional, affection without any limitations, that type of love which has no bounds and is unchanging and honestly I don’t see that.”  “People don’t love like that at least I never saw it. Wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone” “Waking up every morning and falling even more and more for that one person. Having a forever and always with them, shit like that just doesn’t exist.” “So no I don’t believe in love, unless it’s changed its meaning to something less complex.”

“Wow I didn’t know you felt that way” Camila said smiling but looked away suddenly her face drop. “Do you really thing if some says they love you and means it they weren’t hurt you?”

“Camz if someone really loves you, hurting you should be the last thing on their mind. They should want to see that incredible smile of yours, see you happy which should also bring them happiness.”

“Laur you know how that day when you saw me and Cece in the restroom and I was crying you told me if I ever needed someone to talk to you’ll be there”


“I’m ready to talk”

A/N: BOOM !! Do you love me cause I love you J      

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