𝟬𝟭𝟬.⠀⠀⠀⠀bad girls club

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Noora nodded, "You're walking around like some living trophy now. You have to forget William!" Noora explained.

Vilde looked to the two girls, "You should never give a man your pride, even if it is just a hook--up or something meaningful like intimacy. As a woman in the 21st century, you need to be your own person, not rely on some immature teenage boy for your own happiness." Lani proudly stated. Noora smiled to her friend nodding.

"Give him back the sweater, and take back your integrity." Noora announced.

Eva looked to Vilde, "He's the loser, not you."

"I know you should think, that if a guy doesn't like you it's not you there's something wrong with. It's him. But how does one think like that? I keep thinking it's me there's something wrong with." Vilde frowned looking out the window.

Lani frowned, "You're beautiful Vilde. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Someone will notice you for, you. And they will show you the love you deserve, you can't rush it." She reassured the blonde.

The three smiled to Vilde who looked up to Lani, "Tak." She quietly thanked. Lani smiled as the four embraced in a group hug.

𝖳𝖨𝖱𝖲𝖣𝖠𝖦, 20:47 pm


         LANI and Elías sat with one another one the living room couch. The duo watched Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets, intently. Lani reached over grabbing a slice of cheese pizza from her brother's plate, who glared at his sister. Lani smirked to her younger brother.

Elías frowned looking down at his now empty plate. Thinking over the one thing he had been wondering since the duo had arrived home; their father. "Did papá text back?" He quietly asked.

Lani sighed, "Nei." She shook her head. Frowning at the solemn look upon her brother's face.

The three Santiago's were supposed to spend the afternoon together, as Roy had said he'd be off earlier then usual. Only he called Lani as she and Elías left school saying he would be working later then he had planned. Resulting in the two getting a ride from William, who didn't mind driving the duo home.

Elías hated how Roy would stay at work rather then with the two. Unlike Lani he had called their father out back in Madrid, as he had been staying at work on weekends, not just the weekdays. He loved his father, but he and his sister lost their mother too. Out of the two Elías was much more sensitive, and didn't care if his emotions slipped out. Unlike his sister who kept everything bottled up.

Lani gnawed on her lip, "Hei." She whispered, pulling the curly haired boy into her arms, rubbing his back.

"Why does he keep doing this?" Lani frowned hearing her brother's broken voice, feeling water drip on her wrist, she looked down seeing Elías had been crying in her arms.

"I don't know, Elí." She whispered, stroking his curls.

Elías grew irritated with the brunette, "Why don't you ever talk about her?" He muttered, pulling away from his sister's arms. "You act like she never existed. Like you don't give a shit that she's dead!" He cursed his puffy red eyes glaring to his sister's.

The family never spoke about Karoline. Elías would often bring up the subject to his father who immediately would shut him down telling him to go finish his chores. When he'd bring it up to Lani she'd speak as if it was normal. It was normal for a mother with two children and a husband to develop an illness, speak madness then commit suicide.

𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄.   ❪ 𝗌𝗄𝖺𝗆. ❫   • 𝖤𝖣𝖨𝖳𝖨𝖭𝖦 •Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat