Chapter 12

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Hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded much! I have terrible internet and i know i say this alot but my computer freezes a lot! Sorry, love you, vote,read, comment!


Chapter 12

            “You can go in now, Mr. Horan.” I thanked the nurse and walked into the white hospital room. I looked around there was a bunch of machinery. There was a blue curtain that covered the window so nobody could see in. There was a sink and lots of needles. I cringed, I hated needles.  There was a very pale Lou sitting on the uncomfortable bed.

            “Lou? How you feeling?” I asked quietly. He looked up and then looked back at the ground. I had to make this right. I didn’t mean to hurt him so bad. I just want to be with Liam and to stop hurting this older boy who has a boyfriend that really does love him.

            “Louis, I’m sorry. I was a little angry. I was upset, I didn’t want to hurt you. I just wanted to stop hurting you. I know this doesn’t make sense to you right now but it will. I love Liam more than I love life, but you….. I love you and I just can’t seem to get myself to leave you or stop. I can’t stop.”

            He looked up at me, his grayish eyes sparkled. The frown on his face was heartbreaking but it was still so perfect. He didn’t look like his usual tan color in this room, he looked pale. I wonder how I look. He answered with my worst fear. “I..I don’t know what to say.”

            “Just say that we can still be friends.” I replied. I held my breath and hoped that he would listen to me, just this once.

            “I can’t. I still love you.” He said sadly. He wouldn’t let his emotions show but I could, I did everything in my power to I tried to hold my emotions inside. Truth was, I still love him too.

            “I know Lou. I love you too but I just can’t anymore. It’s Liam, he is so special and I know if I let him go that I won’t be able to get him back.” I walked over to his bed and held his hand. I lifted it up and gave it a small kiss.

            “My arm hurts Niall.” He winced. I looked at his white, covered arm. I forgot about his arm.

            “I’m sorry Lou. It will get better.”

“I think their little pills are wearing off. Do you know how many pills have been stuffed down my throat or how many needles have been shoved in my arm?” I nodded and did my best not to cringe.

“I hate hospitals, but that nurse is quite lovely.”

“Do you fancy the nurse now? Well I better go and leave you some space.” I teased him with a wink.

He brought his finger up and ushered me closer. I leaned in. He opened his mouth and pulled me a little closer with his unhurt hand.

            “I don’t want you to leave me.” He pulled me in and kissed my lips. I didn’t want to pull away. I kept my head close. He kissed my top lip and then my bottom lips. I didn’t move. Slowly he brushed his tongue on my bottom lip and asked for entrance. I gave it to him reluctantly. It swirled around in my mouth. His mouth tasted like vanilla. How does he do that?

            “Niall?!” I heard a voice behind me. I was terrified. Liam couldn’t know. Luckily it wasn’t Liam. It was Harry.

            “Hazza?!” Lou asked nervously pulling away. He shook his head. Tears welled up in Harry’s eyes. He looked away and turned around.

            “Fuck.” I heard Lou mumble behind me, but I was already outside the door. Damn It.

            “No Harry!” I ran after him. He was walking down the hall slowly, he was hurt. He was trying to erase his feeling for Lou and his hatred for me.

            “Harry, I’m sorry. Please don’t tell Liam.” I begged. He turned around his eyes were red and starting to get puffy. His beautiful smile was now set in a perfect line.

 He was devastated, “Don’t tell Liam?! You cheated on my boyfriend. You don’t deserve to have a sweet guy like Liam! He deserves better than this. He deserves better than you.” He yelled.

“I know Harry. I just don’t know how to let go.” I said quietly. Those were the words I had been searching for. The last 2 weeks I had been looking for those words, but I just couldn’t say them.

 I had to fix this. I think it might just be easier to go for Lou. Not only would I be with the other one I love but I would also stop hurting everyone. He green eyes closed and his hands went up to his face. He needed somebody right now. I had to be there to comfort him, I knew how he felt. I walked towards him and pulled him into my arms. He cried into my shoulders.

            “I’m sorry Harry. I’m so sorry!” I pleaded. I was terrified. If he told Liam, we would be over for good. My shoulder was sticky and hot, I just couldn’t let him go. I didn’t know how to let him go.

            “I won’t tell Liam.” I grinned. I pulled him away from me and kissed each of his cheeks a thousand times. I was so happy. I could die. God must really love me for giving me a friend like Harry. I mean who else in the world wouldn’t tell on the boy your boyfriend cheated with. He was the greatest guy ev-. “If you tell Louis that we should take a break.”

            I frowned. I knew it was too good to be true. How could I break Lou’s heart?

            “Harry……I can’t do that.”

            “You will or Liam will find out in a matter of seconds. I can’t do it, I love him so much. But he loves you. He needs you and I can’t be you.” I could sit here and argue for hours but I know it would be no use. Harry was stubborn and his mind was set. I nodded and walked down the hall. I reached the room and took a deep breath. Slowly I twisted the knob.

            “Did you figure it out?” He tried getting up but I gently pushed him back down. I ran my hand from my shoulder down to his lower back. I didn’t know how to tell him.

            “Lou, Liam and I aren’t going to break up.” That was a terrible way to start. He took a breath of relief. I just didn’t know how to say it. I didn’t want to hurt him. I loved him.

            “But Harry wanted me to tell you that he thinks that you should take a break.” My heart broke. I didn’t want to tell him this. He ran his hands through his hair. He shook his head and kept repeating, “ This can’t be happening.” I held him close and gave him a peck on the cheek. His cheeks turned a light red. His hair framed his face and his strong jaw bone was one of those smashing features of him. He looked so lovely. I could feel him flex up when I rubbed my hand up and down. The weird thing was he didn’t even cry.

            “I’m sorry.” He looked up at me. The gray in his eyes were beautiful. I gave him a slight smile, he returned it but it was way weaker.

            “It’s not your fault. It’s mine, I knew he didn’t love me.”

            “He does. We all do. We are a family.” I realized at that moment that we were no longer a band. We were just 5 guys who had bromances that nobody could get rid of. I had feelings for both the boys. They all had feelings.  WE were  no longer One Direction, but for the fans we were going to try our best.

                                    How could everything end?

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