Chapter 10

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Hello guys. I hope you liked the last two chapters getting pretty intense huh? I need some help and advice here guys. Should I keep writing? I would like too. I lve you all. Read, vote, and comment loves!


"Did we just....?" I asked shocked. 

"Yah......" He said satisfied. I lay back down. I couldn't have. I mean i guess i was really drunk. I didn't remember a single minute of it, but that is still not okay. I cheated on my boyfriend. I love him. He is perfect, he makes me happy, and he loves me. I turned to Louis.

"Do you remember any of it?" I asked, even though i was terrified of the answer.

"Oh yes!" He grinned wider, showing his beautiful white teeth. "It was wonderful. It was perfect. It was just like how i've always wanted to live it like. I love you. You loved me. It was magical, Niall." He looked into my eyes. His beautiful eyes twinkled. What about Harry?

"What about Harry Lou? You just cheated on him. Your happy about that? Lou if you don't love him, break up with him, but please don't be dragging me into you love life. I do love you, like i said last night, but i love Liam. He loves me and he is my boyfriend. I need to be with him right now. Why can't you see that? I know that you want me and you to be together but we can't. I need Liam in my life and nobody is going to screw that up for me." I said clearly. I gave him this half stern- half-i'm-so-sorry look. I got up and gathered up my clothes. I brought it to the bathroom and got dressed quickly. 

I walked out side of the door and came face to face with a very angry Louis. He grabbed me by the arm and shoved me up against the wall. He grayish-blue eyes came very close to mine. I could feel the breath on my nose. The smell of his axe radiated off of his skin. His voice was silky and cold.

"I love Harry. No. I am not happy. I see that you love him, i just want you to love me. I hope I'm not screwing up your life. There did i answer all of you questions." He hissed into my face. 

I had a soft spot for Lou and he hit it. I do need him and i love him I just can't be with both and Liam is the right one for me. I can just tell. 

I pushed him away sadly and left the room. I ran down the call and into the metal elevator. It was still early so nobody was going with me. I saw a very sad Lou standing in the middle of the hall just staring. A tear rolled down his now pale cheek and onto his chin, the doors shut with a ding. What had i just done?

"Don't go." I prayed. I just pushed away the one I loved most. Literally. I scooted down the wall and buried my head into my hands. The tears flowed and I could barely breathe by the time the elevator dinged again.

I walked out of the hotel without a second glance and found my way home by my fuzzy memory. Wow, I’m never taking any of that drink ever again. It was way heavy alcohol. I didn’t remember anything. Everything that we talked about was fuzzy and especially the…um…sex. Was fuzzy. I was almost happy for that though. It would be plain weird if it was there.

“How did he remember it though?” I whispered to myself walking home.

I opened the door to our hotel we would be staying in for 2 more days. Everything was quiet and I walked up the stairs. I could go to my room or I could go to Liams. I didn’t want to tell him about this experience. I opened the door and saw his perfect body rising up and down with his heavy breathing. I tiptoed over to his bed to see his face. It looked beautiful, just like a sculpture. It was so peaceful.

“Liam?” I whispered close to his face. He woke up instantly. Weird, normally it would have taken like 40 hours to try and wake him up. His face lit up and then went to a very sullen look.

“Where have you been Niall? I have been worried sick.” He asked.

“Me and Lou got drunk, so we decided it would be idea just to get a hotel for the night. But its alright. I came home as soon as I thought of you.” Well the first part was true. He pulled me in for a kiss. I pecked his lips and jumped in bed beside him. His warm body was all I needed for the perfect night sleep.

The morning rays flew in from the curtains and casted a shadow of light on my face. The sun was high and the bedroom was familiar. I gave myself a little smile. Today was going to be a good day and nothing or nobody is going to ruin it.

I slipped myself out of bed and dragged myself to the kitchen for something to eat. I was starving. I haven’t eaten since yesterday at lunch. The boys all sat on the couch and were watching Titanic again. This seems to be the only movie that comes out of the case. Don’t get me wrong I love it, but this is the 69th time that I have seen it.

“Good morning sweetheart. There are fresh made waffles in the fridge just heat them up.” I gave him a smile and a sarcastic “blow kiss”. He laughed and resumed watching the movie. I put the waffles in the metal machine and watched as the wires on the sides turned a red color.

“They are good with syrup and powder sugar with an ice cold glass of beer on the side.” Harry said in his irish accent. I laughed and continued to eat my pancakes. The butter was so melted that I was literally drinking it. It was fantastic.

“Oh my gosh, Harry did you make these? They are fantastic.” He gave me a smile and a nod. I continued to eat when I realized that Louis still wasn’t home. The phone rang in my pocket of my sweatshirt. I reached in and pulled it out. My heart stopped when I saw the number.

“Hello?” I asked worried.

“Hello are you a friend of Louis Tomlinson?”


“Son he has been in an accident, he is at the North Creek Hospital.” The man answered.

                                                                        I hope this wasn’t because of me.

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