Chapter 8

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Hello fello peeps! Haha sorry. Its getting to a good part! I will try to update it again soon. I'm sorry i have bad internet. Like it sucks. Sorry. Love you guys lots. keep commenting and reading. It will get better on from here. Nouis or Niam?


Chapter 8

            “HEY BOYS! WE ARE BACK!” I yelled throughout the hotel.

            “We are in here.” I heard Louis call back. My heart skipped a beat. I grabbed onto Liam’s hand and dragged into the living room. The boys were all laying down watching Titanic.

            “Hey boys, we have an announcement and we are asking for you to say your opinion.” Liam said assertively.

            They all nodded and Louis looked to me questionably. I returned his question with an I’m sorry face.

            “Niall and I are now officially dating.” He smiled. All of their mouths dropped except for Lou. I felt so bad.

            “Well…um..that’…unexpected.” Harry said slowly, trying to choose the right words. I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

            “We wanted you to be the first ones to know and we were thinking about going to the public for this. But we know this does not just involve us, so we are asking you guys first?” They glanced back and forth to each other, but the oldest eyes were glued to me. I tried to ignore them.

            “I don’t mind.” Zayn said carelessly.

            “I guess. I ..don’t mind…either.” Harry agreed.

            “What about you Louis?” Liam asked.

            “I…I just…I just…. I got to go.” His eyes met mine one last time. They were watering and hurt. He ran out of the room and out of the hotel all together.

            “No Lou!” I yelled after him.

            “What’s wrong with my boyfriend?” Harry asked questionably.

            I frowned, “Nothing. I’m gonna go find him.” I gave Liam a kiss on the cheek and grabbed my jacket and left. Everyone behind me was confused as ever. I bet you I was even more confused than them.

            I got down to the lobby and kept running. I met the bellboy at the door.

            “You know that guy in the striped shirt. Which way did he go?”

            He pointed down the street. I saw a flash of red disappear acrossed the street. I sprinted after him at high speeds. I ran past a lot of people. I tried my best not to slip on the wet rock. I stopped and looked around. There was no sign of him. No…no… I couldn’t have lost him. I just kept walking down until I got to a coffee shop. I walked in and ordered a chocolate cappuccino.

            My phone buzzed. It was a blocked message.

            ‘Looking for Louis? He is in the park at a park bench crying. Better get over there. ;)’

            This was the first time I have ever loved this mysterious fan. I ordered another hot chocolate and ran out. I walked to the nearest park. I finally saw my boy sitting on the bench crying. I started to cry. The rain started to pour down on me and him. Except he didn’t have a coat. His hair was all messed up. I walked over to him.

            “Louis, I’m sorry.”

            He looked up but didn’t say anything. His eyes were red and his lips were a purplish color. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him. This relationship with Liam wasn’t worth this pain. I gave him the hot chocolate. He looked at it then at the jacket and then his eyes landed on me.

            He got up quickly, threw the drink on the grass, and threw the jacket at me. I was hurt. I didn’t want to make him feel this way but my life wasn’t just about him.

            “Don’t try to act nice when all you do is break my heart, Niall!” He yelled at me. He started crying again. I walked up to him and pushed him into my chest. He cried into my arms.

            “I’m sorry, Louis. I really am. I do love you and I never meant to hurt you. It’s just that I do love Liam and well… I don’t really know what else to say.” He looked up into my eyes, he was so beautiful. He was perfect. I did love him. More than I ever wanted too. He closed his eyes and let the tears drip down his cheek. Actually I didn’t know if they were tears or just the rain. I lifted up his chin with my fingertips. His lips touched mine and it was magical. It was only for a few seconds but long enough to know that he was the greatest person in the world. That I was lucky just to know him.

            “Niall. I’m sorry.” He said and fell back into my arms. He was like a small child; I held onto him and rubbed the skin on his arm back and forth.

            “It’s not your fault, baby. But Harry was really worried about you.” He made a pfft sound as if he didn’t believe me.

            “Is there something going on in your relationship Lou?” I lead him over to the wooden bench and sat down beside him.

            “I don’t think he loves me anymore.” He started to tear up again. His face dropped and so did my heart. Why do I hurt every time he hurts? I rubbed his back           “Lou? Who couldn’t love you? You’re perfect.”

            “You don’t.” he said. I shook my head menacingly.

            “That is not true at all. Louis look at me. I love you. I mean it. If something ever happened to you……..I’d shoot myself.” I yelled. He lifted his head and looked over at me.

            “Niall. I’m cold. I wish I wouldn’t have thrown that on the floor.” He said sadly. I looked around. Where did I put my cappuccino?

            My phone buzzed again. It was the blocked number.

            ‘See you found your boy. So who’s the lucky fella?’

            I frowned. I need to find out who this person is. Obviously it was Louis or Liam. It couldn’t have been any of the boys really. This person was starting to freak me out though. They knew everything I was doing and everything that was going on in my life. It was like they were watching me all the time.

            “Do you wanna go get another one?” I asked quickly, putting my phone away. I knew I wasn’t going to forget about it but I was going to try.

            “Yep.” He nodded and grabbed hold of my hand and we walked to the nearest coffee shop. He also ordered a chocolate muffin and promised to share it with me. I nodded. He knew me too well.

            “This is fantastic.” I said eating a little more than half of the muffin. I stuffed more in my mouth.

            “You got a little. Here let me get it.” He licked his thumb and brushed all of the little crumbs off my mouth. I smiled. He started to laugh and I closed my mouth.

            We sat in the coffee shop, drinking, talking and most importantly eating.

            Nothing could get any better than right now.                                                                                                   

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