Chapter 2

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Hope you like them. It will get more intense i promise


Chapter 2

            “Good morning Liam!” I yawned. I rubbed my eyes and gave him a quick hug. He smiled and read the newspaper.

            “Boys look at this!” He almost yelled. I ran over and looked at the paper. There was somebody with a gun and under the picture it said 5 people killed and 7 injured. They don’t know who the man is, so they are still out there. This happened last night right in front of Wacky Pizza around 9.

            “That’s weird I said. That’s not too far from here.”

            Louis walked out. His shirt was in his hand and his other was in his pocket. His hair was messed up and he rubbed his sleepy eyes. He walked over and grabbed onto Harry’s waist. He pulled him close and gave him a quick but passionate kiss.

            “Good morning boo.” Harry giggled. I smiled, I would never say anything like this to anyone else but sometimes I wish their relationship was mine. I wish Liam and I had that relationship.

            “I got to take a shower.” I walked away from the kitchen and heard little footsteps behind me. I opened up the door and stripped.

            Someone grunted from behind me, making me spin around to meet Liam face to face.

            “Hey Li.” I smiled slightly. I pulled back the white curtain and let my feet that soft rubbery cushion at the bottom of the tub. I turned the little knob and felt the hot water wash over my body. I ran my fingers through my hair and down the rest of my body. I was so self-conscious, I don’t mind if the boys see me because we all saw each other naked in the first 2 days from x-factor. That was back in the good old days. The days where everything was so simple but yet so complex. I turned off the water and got out and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around my body and got dressed.

            My phone buzzed. I walked over to the chestnut dresser and grabbed it. I opened up to see a restricted number.

            ‘You look beautiful’

            I laughed. My small giggles kept escaping my mouth. What was Liam saying here? I sat down on my bed. Liam was such a weirdo. I laughed a bit more when he poked his head through my door.

            “Liam your so weird.” I laughed as he came over and sat down beside me. He gave me a half-hearted smile.

            “Now Niall. You know it’s rude to talk to people like that.” He smirked. He had a glint in his eye that showed trouble. He shook his head and grabbed onto the back of my neck. I was pulled forward until he was almost an inch away. I could feel his breathe hitting my face.

            “Am I going to have to teach you lesson?” He grinned. I tried to answer but my breathe hitched. He pulled me a bit closer and closed his eyes.

            “Liam. I can’t.” I frowned. His eyes opened and his eyebrows went up.

            “Why not?”

            “What if the boys catch us Liam? First Simon would kill us and secondly the world would hate us and thirdly the boys, we would be putting their career at risk. We can’t do that to them. No, not at this point in the game.”

            He got up and went out of the room before I could even object. I knew I hurt him, but all of that did matter. We couldn’t be thinking about just our future. We had to think about the boys also. I paced back and forth, what was I supposed to do now?

            “God, why did I say that?!” I yelled to myself loudly. I buried my head deep into my pillow. The smell of cotton filled my nose and my eyes were forced close. I know I just got up but I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

            “No. I won’t kill them, Liam.”

            He frowned and pushed the gun into my hands. Why would I kill my very own best friends? I threw the gun on the ground.

            “Do it Niall. For us.” He gave me a convincing smile and I smiled back. It was like this force was taking over my body. I nodded and walked into Zayn’s room first. I closed my eyes and brought the cold metal up to his head. I did what I had to do. The gun shot echoed through the steady night. The scarlet sheet flowed out of his head and his peaceful face got cold. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, I walked out of his room and shut the door silently behind.

            I tiptoed into Harry’s room. He was asleep still. I knew he was a heavy sleeper, so I walked over and put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger without a second thought. Like the last one, the maroon liquid filled up the pillow and started to flow on the floor. I avoided stepping in it. I gave him a sweet and gentle kiss on his cheek and went to Lou’s.

            I opened up the door to see Lou on his bed and rubbing his eyes. His perfect, blue eyes could be seen through the piercing dark.

            “Niall, whats going on? I thought I heard a gun shot.”

            “Nothing Lou. Just a nightmare I suppose.” I smiled. The door opened  a bit but he didn’t seem to notice. I saw Liam’s face looking at me. Beckoning me. I understood and sat down on the bed.

            “I love you. Will you sleep with me tonight? To stop the nightmares?” Louis looked at me. I nodded and lay down next to him. The gun still behind my back, I climbed under the covers. I put my arms around his waist and held him close. Slowly I felt him push himself up against me. I took one hand away and grabbed the gun off the bed. I brought it up to his temple while his eyes were still closed.

            “I love you too, Lou.” Everything went dark. My cold, scarlet lips were pressed gently to his temple. It was as I was afraid to hurt him. The door swung open and entered Liam.

            “Good job, but now its your turn.” He brought a knife out from behind his back and the cold metal went through my chest. I could feel the sting. First, my body started to burn and I couldn’t breathe. Next, everything went cold and I couldn’t feel anything. Lastly, I was gone.

            “NO LIAM!!!” I screamed. The cold sweat dripped off my nose and onto my bare chest. I lay my head down into the wet pool. My fingers ran through my hair and I closed my eyes. I heard a creaking noise and revealed the door opening and showing a very concerned Lou and Liam.

            Both looked at each other and walked over to me. Liam put his arm around me which put a shiver down my spine. He put his fingers up to my face and pushed it to look at him, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Not after what happened in my dream.

            “Louis? Can I sleep with you and Harry tonight?” I asked. He looked confused but nodded and picked me up and held me like a baby. I was carried to his room and let down on a soft bed. I knew I hurt Liam again. That’s all I did was hurt people. I closed my eyes as soon as my body felt contact with Harry’s. I nodded off to sleep.

            But my mind remained on that dream. That wouldn’t happen….. would it?

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