CHAPTER 2: My Life

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Frisk POV:

"Okay! Okay! I got it! It won't happen again." I huffed out of frustration, crossing my arms and looking to the side.

"Good. It better not. The world thinks your dead. Let's keep it that way." He said coldly. He scoffed at my "childish" behavior and growled at me when I looked the other direction. Once He whisked me away from his office he could tell I was watching from the corner of my eye, pointing his finger, he aimed towards the door in a disappointment and let out a loud sigh.

Once I nodded and turned to the door he game me a sly look, "Without me you'd be as good as dead." He spat harshly. "Honestly, I thought you'd hold your life more precious than that."

I didn't turn to him, I only nodded once and walked out the door, shutting it harshly behind me and let out a low grumble of annoyance.

Good as dead my ass! You need me more than I need you!

After the monsters found a way to free themselves from the underground, they became all the world could ever talk out.

I paced down the long, narrow hallway, a glare plastered onto my face.

They were everyone's prime target: whether it was media popularity, or terrorist threats, they always got the center of attention. And humans always seemed to twist their words into something much much worse.

This gave the reporters an advantage of power over the human race, consumed by greed, they pushed the antagonized King Even further about their escape from the underground.

"H-Hey Frisk!" A teenage boy called out to me, not realizing the sour attitude I had been in. I had to keep my composure in front of the Boss, but not in front of them.

I continued walking, the glare getting more distorted.

"Don't Dude. She just had a talk with the Big Man." The other boy next to him sighed and shook his head.

Asgore let it slip: the killings of six fallen children, after he went into a blind rage of the death of his son, Asriel.  And had just finally made the scientific research about creating the last human soul: a Fake.
The people were shocked.

Asgore tried to apologize, but it was no use and the damage had been done. Assassins and riots broke out around Ebott, that unfortunately was where I lived.

I took a right, heading towards my dormitory.

In the middle of it, right in the center of the riots and killings, innocent people dying, warping my mind into something twisted.

My dorm in sight at the end of the hallway, I walk faster.

I was 6 years old. I can't remember much of my parents. The probably died due to the toxic pollutions of chemicals humans used to wipe out the monster race.


The rest of the monsters got together, as well as the humans near MT. Ebott and two rivaling teams were formed: Monsters V. Humans.

Mafias formed, Humans taking the upper hand by numbers and layout of the land, forcing Monsters to back into hiding. Humans still can't find their base.

I let out a yell of anger and threw a knife into my door as I neared it, splintering the wood, lodged in a good bit, matching the many cut marks around it.

I walk over calmly, and yank the knife out of my door to my dorm and twist the handle of the knob, opening it slowly with a creak.

As a little girl, I didn't know what was going on. It wasn't my fault I was taken into the human hands, while monsters left me to die.
Though I remember one thing.

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