The Fighter

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Tessa's POV:
We were on the outskirts of New York now. Warren is in front of us hitting any zombies in her way. Lexa somehow managed to fall asleep. She had her head resting on my shoulder. Me and 10k just sat in comfortable silence. Well as silent you can get in the zombie apocalypse.

We pulled over to the side of the road and hopped out the truck as it pulled to a stop. I shake Lexa to get her attention.
"Hey drooler get up we stopped."

" Five more minutes" she mumbled tiredly.

"Lexa get your ass up,"

"Ok ok I'm up,"

We hop out the bed of the truck.

"Well that was fun," said Addy
We laughed and I helped Doc get the tire thingy. I don't know anything about cars, all I know is how to hot wire one.

"Heads up we have company," Mack said.

I gave Lexa a look and she understood. We take out our red bandannas and tie them around our face. No one knows our real identity and we plan to keep it that way. We both bend down and act like we are working on the car. We here two motorcycles getting closer and closer .

"Thats right keep a rolling and we all live to see another day." We hear Warren say. As the motorcycles kept getting farther and farther away we thought it was okay to stand up now .

"All right let's do this quick." Said Warren.

As Doc and Warren help fix the truck me and Lexa decide to turn around and admire the view. How could a world so beautiful turning to this . This hellhole. We heard commotion back at the truck and when we show up we see a Z stuck where the tires was. We both laugh , earning us a few glares.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it Kill it" yelled Murphy.

Before Warren could kill it. Lexa drew her sword and piked the zombie in the head. We all walked back to where me and Lexa were standing earlier . Facing the beautiful New York . Even though the zombie apocalypse happened this place was still beautiful from afar . We all sat there and looked at New York , we said our goodbyes and started walking down the road.

Lexa's POV:

We are now in Paramus Park Mall in New Jersey. Looking for any gas. There are dozens of cars and not a lick of gas. Me and Tessa went a little farther from the group than most. I wasn't paying any attention when I opened a car door. A Zombie comes running at me tackling me to the ground. I tried to reach for my sword, but I couldn't reach it. I was trying my hardest to get him off me.


I yelled and thrashed against the zombie. Then a gun went off and the zombie fell on top of me.

"Well that was fun to watch." Tessa said with a smile plastered on her face .

"You know you can be a real bitch sometimes."

"Oh you love me for it."


She reached out her hand and pulled me up. When we got back to the group they we're talking about Black Summer.

"Black Summer was the worst we both lost like 20 pounds." I said.

"And how did you survive?" Asked Addy.

" They don't call us the Assassins for nothing," Tessa said with a smirk on her face.

"Why did we let them come with us again?" Mack asked.

"Because they are useful. They can fight, and we need that." Said Warren.

Before they could answer. A man with a beard jump out of an old abandoned car. We all took out our weapons and raised them high.

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