The tent is a navy blue, and its inclosed on all sides. The flaps that close the tent are tied to the poles, showing the array of old bodies huddled around a table. I walk up cautiously, knowing that any loud sound could startle the fragile beings.

I clear my throat. "Um, excuse me?"

The tent is full of chatter, none of it acknowledging me in any way.

"Hello?" I say again, leaving on the pole holding up one side of the tent.

I see a head pop up from under the table. "Summer?" I hear Brianna say.

I smile as she shimmies her way around the chairs and baskets of yarn on the ground. "What's up? Sorry about them, they can't hear very well." She asks, saying it loud enough to be heard over everyone. Her chocolate brown hair is tied up, with a few pieces of hair falling around her face. She's wearing a navy blue tank top, and the cargo shorts I found a couple days ago. She still has those pieces of duct tape wrapped around the wounds where the implants were. She should really take them off, people might think she's crazy.

"Just wanted to see how you're doing. Whatcha been up too?"

"Nothing much, just kitting like everyone else here. Well, trying too. I'm not really getting a hang of it. Pam has been trying to teach me since my first day." She says pointing to a frail lady in the corner. Her hair is gray and curling all together around her, she's wearing a floral shirt with a light pink cardigan, and small circle glasses frame her face. She looks like your typical grandma.

"They treating you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah they're fine. It just gets boring. All the talk about is gossip. Half the time I have no clue what there's saying." She chuckles.

"Did you hear about what happened yesterday?" I ask giving a saddened look.

"Yeah, it's sad." She frowns.

"I need to keep you safe. So if you see anything weird or if something seems off, you tell me okay? Oh, and stay away from Naomi."

She clenches her eyebrows. "Why?"

"She's dangerous, just stay away."

"Aren't you working with her? Shouldn't it be you who should stay away?" She points at me jokingly.

I grab her wrist and pull her out of the tent. "It's not a joke Bri, please? For me?"

She sighs and nods her head. "She was kind of mean anyways."

I laugh a little, knowing all too well what she's talking about.

"So, you still don't remember anything huh?" I say and tap her temple with my finger.

"No not really. I'm getting flashbacks of small things. For some reason I can't get a orange cat out of my head. I know Wilbur's black so it wouldn't be him."

My heart breaks. She's remembering the cat that killed Mom. Out of all things, why does she have to remember that?

"Oh and a huge light that's hanging above me." She adds.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It is a huge fluorescent light, maybe on the ceiling of some room? I keep having dreams about it. I'm laying down on some weird table, and that light is the only thing I can see. I'm always scared in this dream, but there's nothing there so I don't know why I would be."

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