Chapter 23

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Kenzie has decided that we're all going on a horse ride today. I don't know why she chose a horse ride because she shouldn't be getting on a horse. She's 6 months pregnant so it's not good for the baby.

Her pelvis could start playing up and she might face some problems. She's not meant to be around animals anyway. Also the horse making her bounce could disturb the baby.

"Kenzie are you sure you really want to do this?" She sighed.
"God, first Lou, then Haz and now you. Who's next? Liam? Zayn?" Both boys complained to her at breakfast this morning. She gave them a full blown rant for about 20 minutes. That encouraged me, Li and Zee to stay quiet.

"Look Niall I'm fine. This baby is fine and I am fine. We'll be okay. I'll sit on the same horse as you if I really have to. We both know how protective you get over me." She's not wrong. I do become quite an overprotective person around her.

"Fine Kenz. We'll go. Just don't come complaining to me when you're in pain." She squeeled and did a little 'jump' if you could even call it that.
"Thanks Ni! I love you!" She came and kissed me on the cheek before running off to our bedroom.

"I love you too..." She's a funny one. And a crazy one. My funny and crazy wife. I don't think I've ever called her that yet. We've been married for over a year and I've not said the word wife about her once. But I like it. It feels nice to say. My wife.


"Come on boys! The horses are all ready to go. I made sure of it." We got dragged out to the stables by, of course, Kenzie. She was right about the horses. They're all saddled up. Snowy has a lot of extra padding.

"I've got snowy. Niall you have Merlin. Rocky is yours Haz. Lou you've got Skye. Zayn you have Storm. Relly you can go back inside. You're not coming with us." Relly crossed her arms over her chest.

"Actually I'm here to bring your towels out. I know where you're going and I don't want you all to freeze on the way back." She's such a sweet little girl. She's also mine now. Mine and Kenzie's responsibility. I, Niall Horan, am responsible for an almost 13 year old. Dangerous.

"Thanks Relly. Make sure Baylee doesn't go too overboard with Darcy. Haz and Lou would really appreciate it if you could watch her." She smiled and nodded.
"Of course! Have fun! Don't get too wet!" She joked. She gave me and Kenzie hugs before running back off insde.

"Come on boys. We've got a nice journey ahead of us." I went over to Merlin, remembering I was told to take him. I grabbed ahold of the saddle and climbed onto him. It wasn't too hard since he's fairly short. I'm used to it too. We do this a lot.


"Hey, hey, can you remember when we came down here before the wedding and spoke about the plan? That was fun!" Harry remarked and everyone laughed.
"We all got absolutely soaked! Except you Zayn. You weren't there." Liam pointed out ever so casually.

"What plan was this exactly? And what happened?" Zayn questioned. He knows about the whole wedding situation I'm sure.
"I came up with the plan of faking a marriage with Liam. Then I went into the river and splashed all the boys. That's why we got so wet." His eyes narrowed.

"Are you on about the little stream we used to all play in when we were younger?" Whenever Kenzie invited us all around she'd ask to go on a horse ride. If her mum refused then we would all sneak out. She took us to the river and we always scared her mum so much.

"Yeah Zaynie. The one you nearly drowned in once and Liam had to save your life!" We were all so little then. Zayn was yet to learn how to swim and ventured too deep. Liam being the best swimmer of us all had to chase after him and carry him back to where it was safe.

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