Chapter 22

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"So miss Kenzington, how would you like your pancakes this morning? In bed or downstairs?" I've not left this bedroom for a few days. I've been feeling really sick. Sadly over christmas too. Although I did manage to go and sit by the tree for a while.

It was nice on Christmas. We all decided to stick together. I woke up and had breakfast in bed before going downstairs. We all opened presents together but then I got back into bed. All the boys came and sat in my room with me and Chicken to eat Christmas dinner. I didn't really acknowledge the fact it was also my birthday.

"I feel better today Nialler. Can we go downstairs?" He nodded.
"Of course we can beautiful." I stayed where I was until he came over to me and scooped me up.

"Of course you want to be carried. You're so lazy."
"I'm pregnant Ni. Not lazy. I don't like getting up." He sighed and rolled his eyes at me.

Downstairs we greeted the three boys already sat at the table. Niall placed me in my seat and I whinged.
"I don't wanna sit here. It's not comfy. Can I sit on your lap?" Of course with him being the overprotective lad he is, he pulled me right back on top of him. I snuggled into his neck, making sure to face the boys.

"How are you feeling today Kenz? You look a lot better. You're glowing!" Lou complimented.
"Thanks. I feel a lot better." I'm getting butterflies in my tummy. It feels really funny.

"You okay babygirl? You're quiet." I nodded.
"I think- I think I can feel her moving. I can feel something going on inside there." He placed his hand on my stomach, reaching underneath my tshirt.
"I don't feel anything. All I can feel is that nice little bump of yours growing." I giggled at him.

"You won't be able to feel it until 5 months Ni. It's only 4. As for the baby bump, I love it. I never got to experience it with Darcy." At hearing her name pop up she looked over at us. Her eyes are shining bright and she looks so happy. The boys are taking such good care of her.

Our food came in and was placed in front of us. I tucked in pretty quick but Niall stayed how he was, head on my shoulder and hands on my belly. He's just resting them there. Not even moving them. I'm thankful his hands are warm.

"Ni baby you need to eat. What're you doing?" He stayed silent.
"Nialler, come on. Eat please. It's just as important for you as it is for me." Harry signalled to me. He placed a finger by his eye and dragged it down his face. Niall's crying.

"Hey buddy come on, Kenzie doesn't need you crying on her. She's the one who's meant to be emotional." Harry's right. I am meant to be the emotional one. I'm an emotional person anyway.

"It's just- I'm just- I'm so happy. So so happy that we get to experience this. Together." I felt one of his tears drop onto my shoulder. He had a firmer grip on my tummy. Not too tight that it would hurt though.

"Me too Ni. I'm happy too. But like I've said you need to eat. We can be sappy after. Food is more important." Niall loves his food. The fact that he isn't eating straight away is a shock to everyone. He never says no to some good food.


"Here's your present Willow. Here's Relly's. There's Seb's and there's Matt's. Hunter yours is here." I handed each sibling their present and waited for them to open it. It's not much since I didn't want to go all out but It's just a little something each.

Willow opened hers first, staring in dibelief at all the stationary in front of her. She loves to draw and write a lot so I got her a few things to help out. There's a proper artists kit too. She loves it.

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