Chapter 11

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"Come on Kenz, you need to decide what you're having. It's my treat. You know that." When there's a menu with nearly 50 things that you like in front of you then how can you choose?
"I don't know. You choose for me." He'll probably make us have the same.

"Hello, would you like to order?" The waiter looked at me. He's kinda hot.
"Yes thanks. Ni?" He looked to the waiter who glared at him.
"We'll be getting the steak please. Both of us." I'm having steak too. He did just what I thought he would.

"Both medium done please." I gave the waiter a smile. He smiled back.
"We should have that with you in around half an hour or so. Would you care for any more drinks?" He's directing all the questions at me. Someone's getting jealous. I don't know why though, considering we're married.

"No thankyou. We're good." I gave him another smile and he smiled back before giving Niall a glare and walking away.
"What a twat! He seriously thinks he can go flirting with my girl?" What part of that was flirting?

"Niall he wasn't flirting. He was just taking our order." Now I'm the one being glared at.
"You were flirting too. Why were you flirting with him? I'm the only person you're supposed to be flirting with!" His protective side is most likely about to kick in.

"Ni don't worry. I'm all yours." I grabbed his hand over the table.
"I know you are babygirl. But if that happens again you know what's happening." He's going to do exactly what he did on our wedding day.

"This area is secluded off from everyone. It's fine." He's not speaking. Just smirking.
"You won't be saying that when I punish you... Will you babygirl?" Maybe it's not so fine.


"Okay so here are your steaks. Ma'am, sir." I got mine handed to me first.
"Is there anything else you'd like? Sauces? My number..." Wow. He's very upfront. And must be blind too. Can he not see the ring on my finger?

"You're a sweet guy. But no. The only number I'll be taking tonight is your work reference number to put in a complaint about that." Niall's smirking again. Why is he smirking? That definitely wasn't flirting.

"I- I'm sorry." And he walked off. A little too slowly for my liking, taking glances at us every few seconds. I just waved goodbye to him.
"You're definitely getting it now babygirl." What? I want to at least eat my food first.

"But I wasn't flirting with him. You saw that!" Why is he smirking so much.
"I know you weren't. But I want to do it anyway." Oh he is shuch an asshole. Why are you such and asshole Niall Horan? Why?

"You're really in for it now." What did I do? "I'm an asshole am I?" Shit. That's what I did.
"I said that out loud? I'm sorry Nialler I didn't mean it!" I'm dead.
"That's not my name babygirl. You're really getting punished tonight." He's eating so casually. How?


The waiter came back over to take our now empty plates. I just know that I'm in for an absolute nightmare! He's going to do something. There's that look in his eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes mesmorise me every time I look at them.

I could already feel his hand on my leg. He's going to absolutely kill me.
"Are you both finished?" I nodded.
"Look, I'm very sorry for earlier-" Niall placed his fingers just over my panties which made me gasp. "Are you okay?" I have to say yes or I'm even more dead.

"Perfectly fine thankyou." He placed his fingers slowly inside my panties. He knows how easy it is for me to get off.
"Anyway, yes I'm really sorry. I probably came across as rude and disrespectful. I really apologise." I can only just understand what he's saying with Niall rubbing his fingers over my clit.

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