Chapter 4

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Half term... The joys of being contantly bored out of your mind. Even though you're in basically a mansion but there's nothing ever to do. Nothing fun anyway.

That is until all your friends come round. They make it fun. Even if it's friends you really shouldn't be friends with. But then you play it off by pretending to be friends with their siblings instead. Although your mum secretly knows that you're really friends with the initial friends. At least I think she does.

As soon as the buzzer went I ran down the stairs to see who had arrived at the gate. First to get here were the Styles family. They always show up early no matter what. Harry seems to have a thing for being late. He doesn't like it.

The 3 of them walked inside. I made sure to be the first to greet every single one of them. They each got a hug and a kiss from me. Then I let them go into the dining room to greet my parents. Well parent and step parent.


The Tomlinsons arrived at around half 10. Perfectly on time. As they walked in I made sure to greet every single one of them. 1 adult and 7 kind of children. Lou being classed as one of the children still. Until December when we both turn 18.

The Paynes arrived very shortly after. I got a weird little smile and reassuring touch from Liam's mother. Then he and his sisters gave me hugs before moving to the dining room.


Of course Niall and Greg arrived late. I had all the boys as well as Lottie and Malika stood with me chatting by the door. When the buzzer went off for the gate I went to get it personally myself. I got told off by Bella of course but I didn't care. The sooner they come in the happier I'll be.

As they got to the door I almost killed him with hugs. Then moved nicely over to Greg and hugged him. Thankfully mum came out just after that and didn't get to see me almost killing Niall.

"Now that everyone's here, please could you all come through to the living area." I didn't get a chance to give him even a hello kiss. We all had to make our way through. I went and stood with mum and the rest of my family as planned.

"Welcome everyone to our home. Please make yourself comfortable because for this weekend it will also be your home. Do as you please. Follow the rules and make sure not to go anywhere that is locked or is forbidden to go through. We've got plenty of staff at hand so if you need anything feel free to ask. With that, I'll let you all mingle." She nodded her head and the room erupted into chatter.

I ran back over to my friends. Briskly walked even. Not ran. My mother would kill me for running. Especially inside this house.
"Lets go to another room." Everyone agreed and followed me into another seperate lounge. I shut the door and locked it so we had no disturbances.

Then and only then was I able to kiss my boyfriend.
"Eww get a room!" Mal shouted to us.
"We already have." I gave her a little wink and burst out laughing. Niall continued to kiss me and I only stopped when I could feel a small moan building.
"Why'd you stop babygirl?" I shook my head at him.

"Not now. Tonight. And tomorrow. We've got all week Ni. We don't need to do this right now." The parents are only staying for a weekend but all the kids are staying the week. With the exception of a few.

"So what's everyone wearing tomorrow night? The special dinner where my mother has to make an announcement." She's apparently making the announcement before dinner to me and 1 other person. I'm slightly nervous for it.

"Well I'm wearing this gorgeous new dress I bought last week." Us girls started discussing dresses while the boys started discussing football or something like that. It could have been golf though, knowing Niall.

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