Chapter 15

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"Kenz can we please go back soon! It's been 2 months. Surely we can at least go back to Cheshire. Maybe just stay in a hotel for a couple days. Look for a house even?" Harry is practically begging me to go home. He thinks that we've had enough time here.

"We can come back here next year. Have a little holiday or something. Please Kenz. All of us want to go back. Even Ni. As much as he loves it here in his home town he really wants to leave." They've all expressed their feelings to me about it. I'm getting fed up.

"I want to go back there. Your mum won't even know you're back if we leave at midnight again." She doesn't even know I'm here. Nor does it seem like she cares. But I can't leave the house. One person spotted me when I left the second day here. She didn't tell though.

"Fine! We'll go back. We leave at midnight." Harry squeeled in excitement and ran off presumably to tell the others. I suppose it is time to go back. Although this house has just recived some extremely needed decorating. It's not as pink amymore either. My office is also now tidy and not completely full of toys and other random crap mum must've put in there.

I did find some of my old dolls though. Their hair was all perfect. It had to be. They always had to have their hair up and neat. Just like mum forced me to do when I was younger. I kinda want to take the dolls back. But this is where they belong. It would be stupid to bring them anyway.


"Kenzie is it true?" Liam rushed in and grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Is what true?" Tonight...
"That we're going back tonight? Are we actually?" I didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Finally! Who knows?" Good question. Who has Harry told?
"Harry for starters and now you. Presumably Louis as well. I don't know about Niall?" That's a point. Where is Niall? I've not seen him all day.

"Probably not. He's with his mum and his brother. Probably his nephew." Greg has a child. How could I forget.
"Our nephew Liam. Not just Niall's. We're married so he's my nephew too." And what an adorable nephew he is!

"Do you know when he'll be back?" He shrugged.
"They went to Nandos. God knows what time they'll be leaving." I know what Niall's like with Nandos. If I'd let him then he'd basically live there.

"I'll text him. Thanks Li." He turned to walk out the room when I stopped him.
"Wanna watch Moana with me?" I'm about to watch it. Watching it with another person won't hurt. Especially when it's someone I can sing along with.

"Of course. LOUIS! HARRY!" The two of them ran in the room in a hurry.
"Everything okay in here?" It's my turn to laugh at them for once!
"We're fine. We're about to watch Moana. Wanna join?" Both boys shrugged.
"Don't see why not."

The three boys came and sat round me on the couch. Louis and Harry snuggled into each other. I felt lonely. Liam looked lonely. This is making me realise how badly I miss Niall.
"Liam, come cuddle me." He looked confused at first.

"Why me? Is it just because Ni isn't here?" I gave a shy nod.
"Fine." He scooched next to me and wrapped an arm around me. It doesn't feel right. It's not Niall.

Ni baby, when will you be home? Xxxx
About an hour xxxx
Could you come any sooner? I miss you! Xxxx
Sorry babygirl I'm shopping with my mum xxxx
I'm cuddling Liam because I miss you so much! Let's hope this hour goes quick! Xxxx

I knew that would get him riled up. He doesn't like me being so close to other guys. He's scared I'll leave him for them. He knows my thoughts on Liam. I'd never do that to him!

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