Chapter 21

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"Good morning princess." I rolled over to be faced with a very awake Niall. 
"I'm not a princess. I think you'll find the correct term is officially duchess." I got 'crowned' as duchess last night. I did wear a nice dress and a crown so I felt like a princess. 

"You're my princess. Isn't that right little one? Your mummy and you are both my little princesses." He started to rub my belly and place kisses all over it. He's talking to Breyah. Our little bee. 

"She's going to grow up one day and be protected well. Her and her sister both are. I know Darcy isn't ours anymore but I believe you'll still do everything you can to protect her." He's been protective of her since the beginning. Same goes for our little bee. 

"Kenzie your guests have all arrived." Lori came and informed us both whilst we were getting ready. 
"Including the surprise?" She nodded. 
"The other boys have seen already that he's here." I thanked her and she went to leave. 

Before she could shut the door, chicken ran in. She's such an adorable little pup. 
"Hey Chicken! How's my little puppy dog. Come here Chicky." She waltzed over to me and Niall and we both started giving her loads of fuss and attention. 

"Come on Chick. Lets go see everyone. Nialler you ready?" He looks so smart! He's got a gorgeous suit on. It looks perfect on him. I've got a cute short and puffy dress on. They can't expect me to actually dress like royalty. I know I'm duchess now but I sure as heck won't dress like it. 

Downstairs, everyone was sat at the table waiting. We're having dinner then a few drinks and a bit of a party. It's only very close friends and family. 

I held Niall's hand as we walked in, smiling at all the guests. I made sure to greet absolutely everyone! Including;
"Zaynie! I didn't think you'd make it. You never replied. Why didn't you reply?" Niall got jealous and his grip on my hand got seemingly tighter. 

"Sorry Kenz. Congrats by the way." We said hello to a few more before finally sitting down. It feels weird to be the head of the table. I don't like it. This feels wrong. I don't want to be sat here. This isn't my seat and I can't sit here. It just doesn't feel quite right. 

The desert was brought out to us finally after every other course was finished. Carrot cake and cheesecake. And some treacle tart. I had a bit of all three. Only small bits of each. Too much and I think I might be sick. 

"Can I just say (what huuge fans we are of you guys! Sorry I had to) how nice it is to have everyone here for a meal. Not everyone could make it for our gender reveal so to have everyone here tonight gives me joy. It makes me feel truly happy." I need to add a bit on the end. 

"It's so nice that you were able to make it of all people Zayn. We barely see you anymore! We've all missed you." Someone's getting jealous. Or maybe he's horny? Either way he's got a very tight grip on my leg and the boys are smirking. 

So I may have had a drink. I feel fine though. I had one small glass of champagne. That's it. It's allowed after all. But it's okay. This is my special night and I deserve to have some fun. Especially now considering the kids have all gone to sleep. 

"Nialler, can we play just dance? Please!" The boys joined in on my begging, wanting to play too. 
"Why are you asking me? It's your house. I will be joining in though." And off we shot to the livingroom to set it all up. 

It was on in minutes and we had everyone crowded in the livingroom to dance. So many people wanted to play that we genuinely had to put a request sheet down. It goes in order of who wrote it first. 

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