Chapter13: PRISON FOR HOW LONG?! Oh that long!!

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Walker kinda looks like a alien in this picture. Hahahah

Danny and Sam was getting ready for the day and trying to plan how to get past Walker's Prison."Okay what about this. We divide in groups, with you in the first on as I take everyone across the dangerous part and then we pass harmlessly by." Danny said."That can work but what about Walker's security forces like his goons might be in the surrounding areas." Sam said."Well we do three super heroes and they all know I'm dead so it's not big of a problem." Danny said as he walks down with Sam down the hall. Danny puts two fingers in his mouth and whistled."COME ON UP. UP UP!!" Danny yelled like a general.

"Why'd you wake is up, Fenton?!" Dash yelled."We slept for for like 9 hours it's already 11:00 in the human world." Danny said."How'd you know?" Max asked."Well I am Prince of The Ghost Zone I can tell the time here." Danny said as he leaves everyone astonished. Marinette screeched."Adrien!!" She shouted."What? What's wrong?!" Alya asked and Marinette screeched again when she saw Alya."Your growing tails and Fur!!" She ahouted and they looked at each other with wide eyes."We better get you out of here before you turn into the animal itself." Dani said."Okay so the next ghost we are passing is a little bit dangerous but he hates me even if I am almost King but when we pass his place you stay super quiet." Danny said."Your leaving so soon?" Dora asked from behind Danny."Yeah, it doesn't look to good for the Miraculous Holders so the sooner we leave the sooner they change back to normal." Sam said."Oh but it's nice to now your save from those idiots." Dora said."Yeah, thanks to the Fruitloop." Danny said turning his head to Vlad who was eyeing Adrien, Marinette and Alya like a project."Don't call me a Fruitloop, Little Badger." Vlad said."Stop calling me Little Badger then." Danny said.

Tucker, Sam and Dani laughed at their rivalry."Okay do not let me keep you away from going home." Dora said with a smile."Thank you for helping us Dora. My sister from another ghostly mother." Danny said and Dora laughed as she hugs Danny."Thanks." She said as she let go."Your welcome." Danny said and they left.

Half an Hour later
Music was heard playing."I know that music!" Dash said as he ran to the direction."EMBER MECLAIN!!" Almost everyone yelled. She was ending a old classic.

"Oh don't you dare look back.
Just keep your eyes on me."
I said."You're holding back."
She said,"Shut up and dance with me!"
This woman is my destiny
She said,"Ooh-ooh-hoo, Shut up and dance with me."

Ooh-ooh-hoo, shut up and dance with me
Ooh-ooh-hoo, shut up and dance with me!

"Aww man I missed it." Dash said."Hey look everyone it's Prince Phantom!!" Ember shouted as the stage light now pointed at Danny."Hello Ember." Danny said."Dipstick where have you been? Get up here!!" She shouted and Danny shrugged as he flew over the crowd and onto stage."Hello Ghost Zone!!" Danny shouted."Phantom!! Phantom!!" Was heard everywhere."What do you say guys about our very own Prince Phantom sing a song with me!!" Ember shouted and the crowd went wild."Heart Attack!!" Some one yelled and Ember nodded to her band and they started to play.

Danny Ember
Puttin' my defenses up
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I'd have a heart attack

Never put my love out on the line
Never said "yes" to the right guy
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I'm never good enough

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