Chapter3:Birthday surprise

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Danny woke up and he felt a burning feeling on his arm. He pulled his torned up shirt up to see three letters he hated on his arm."THAT'S IT!" Danny yelled as the Ring of Rage activated and Danny was in a new suit and in his ghost form. He was now very powerful for a whole day. He floated near the glass wall melting it. Alarms went off and Agent K&O charging at Danny with ecto weapons. Danny ignored them and floated through the roof without turning intangible. He floated higher and higher. The agents were chasing after him but they were to slow.

Danny came out of the building and he looked down to see agents in hazmat suits pulling barrels with the flammable mark on the side. He smirked and charged up an ecto blast and flew down invisible where the barrels are kept. He let the ecto blast fall in the middle. He turned intangible and flew out of the building. A few seconds later the building exploded and Danny was finally free. He flew full speed to the direction of France.

Sam and the entire class was at the party. Sam was both depressed and happy. Tucker puts his hand on Sam's shoulder and she smiled."Attention everyone!" Maddie said while tapping her glass with a fork."We are here to celebrate our son's sixteenth birthday and he might not be here now but Jack and I believe that he is still alive. To Danny!"

"TO DANNY!!!" Everyone yelled in the restaurant. Then suddenly they felt an earthquake that was small."Whoa,that earthquake was quite something." Said Mikey."Jack did they even warn us for an earthquake?" Jack who felt a little bit dizzy quickly recovered."No they didn't and even if it was that small they still would've warn us though." Suddenly they saw something black zipping by the windows."What was that?"The tvs in the restaurant fell down from their support and in result the screens were all cracked badly and couldn't switch on."I don't know." Nathan answered.

Danny just kept flying over the ocean. He didn't look back. He flew and flew and flew."Hope I didn't kill anyone in that explosion." Danny said to himself. He looked down at the water and saw his outfit. He stopped and floated on his stomach above the water to get a good look. He was wearing an black short sleeved shirt with his D on his chest with white fingerless gloves and black skinny jeans and white combat boots and his hair was white with black streaks on it. He was happy to see his eyes are green and not red but disappointed that he still had the collor. He continued flying until he saw land. He flew to it and saw it was Europe but he was in Germany he still had long way to go. He sighed and continued flying. He flew invisible not to attract attention.

He flew all night until he stopped to catch his breath. He stopped in front a big mansion. When his feet toached the ground he immediately fell down to the ground and changed back to his human form and felt comfortable for the first time in months. He felt relieved to be far away from The Guys In White's labs and torture rooms. He just passed out and slept there not bothering to ask where he was."Good night Sam." He whispered to himself.

Sam and Tucker went to Sam's place to watch a movie on the DStv. They were watching Suicide Squad until it was interrupted by an electricity output."Sam, Tucker can you please go to bed. The electricity won't come on for another day." Her dad said."Okay! Come on Tucker I'll show you to the guest room. Now where is the flashlight?" Tucker turned on his PDA's flashlight using it to find a flashlight for Sam."Modern technology to the rescue!" Sam rolled her eyes.

After 10 minutes they finally found two flashlights."Lucky me now I can save my battery life on my PDA." Tucker said smiling he gave Sam an light and took one for him. Tucker followed Sam to the guest room and got settled in."Good night Sam."

"Good night Tucker." She said as she closed the door and went to her room. She got in her pjs and got into bed."Good night Danny." She whispered as she fell asleep.

The next morning she and Tucker woke up late since the electricity didn't come on yet. She jolted out of bed and got dressed. She ran to Tucker's room and knocked on it loudly."Tucker we are late for school!!" Tucker fell out of his bed and a large thud was heard."I'm up! I'm up!" He yelled as he quickly got ready for school. He came out five minutes later with his backpack on his back running downstairs to Sam who was making toast for both of them. The toast was finished and she grabbed it and gave one for Tucker who ran after her to school.They arrived at school just in time and explained to Mr Lancer what happened and went to thier seats. The day was silent and felt long for them.

Miraculous Phantom: Save me!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon