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Danny was taken away from Sam and Tucker. Last thing Danny saw was his best friend supporting Sam."Danny Phantom,you are now property of the Government and let's say you will never see that sun again." Agent O said as two agents threw him inside the van when they took him out of the bubble and puts ghost prove collor around his neck shocking him and turning him back into his human form and causing him to scream in pain."Shut it ghost you don't have feelings or emotions so don't scream."

Danny passed out in the van and he could feel the van moving."You are going to regret this GIW !" Was Danny's thoughts. The van stopped and the agents carried Danny to his cell. He was thrown inside and agent K&O kicked him in the stomach twice each before they left."Good night Phantom." Said Agent K as he left with Agent O.

Danny woke up 4 hours later. His eyes were blurry and he couldn't make out where he was until his eyes finally came in focus."Where am I?" He asked himself. He looked around and saw he was in a cell with a ghost prove glass wall, a bed and a toilet."What?" Danny said to himself. Danny tried to stand up but when he did he would feel pain than in his stomach. Once he managed to sit straight up on the bed he lifted up his shirt to see its bruised.

He wanted to scratch the back of his neck but he only felt a small shock when he toached the collor on his neck."Ouch." Danny said as he looked at his reflection in the glass wall and saw a silver and white collar around his neck."I guess if I toach it I get shocked." Danny thought. Danny knew it wouldn't be long before an agent saw him awake and takes him for experiments. So he sat on the bed and waited for an hour before he gave up and went to sleep.

Sam and Tucker was with Clockwork in his Time Mirror room."Clockwork we have questions. Around when will Danny escape and will he be okay?" Sam asked with tears in her eyes."Samantha I know you two are extremely worried but when the Guys in White can manage to anger Danny so much that the ring of rage will activate the rings' real power he will be able to escape and fly to Paris like you planned, but I think Danny will escape around in two or three months."

"THREE MONTHS!! Danny can't survive that long!" Tucker screamed."Tucker,I know it seems like he can't survive but I will interfere when the time is right." Sam looked out side the window and immediately her attention was brought back to the sky."Clockwork why is the sky so wierd? Does it have something to do with Danny?" Sam asked turning away from the window."When the prince/princess/king/queen is in trouble the Ghost Zones' sky will do this and since Danny is Prince and in trouble with them the Ghost Zone picks up the aura from the royal family." Clockwork answered."You must get going? Now."

"Why?" Tucker asked."Because Mr Lancer is arranging the field trip to Paris in two months and by then Danny won't escape yet." Tucker and Sam stormed out and went to the specter speeder and drove full speed to the Fenton portal. They arrived at the portal and ran as fast as they can to school. Luckily for them Danny's parents  didn't return yet. The school wasn't far from Fenton Works. They stormed into Mr Lancer's class and interrupted his class which wasn't their register class."Mr Lancer I need to talk to you now!" Sam yelled as she burst through the door. He nodded and excused the class and he went outside the door."Why did you leave school?!" He whispered yelled."Because he had to go see a ghost which we can't tell you about now. He is the master of time and he told us that Danny will escape in around three months so your gonna have to move the field trip two months forward."

"This a lot to take in.The news crew was here a few minutes ago and they interviewed all the students in the class. They-."Sam cut him off."What questions did they ask?" She ask in a serious tone." Mr Lancer blinked twice and the he answered."They asked questions like who Phantom is but I told the class not to tell anyone since that would be disrespectful and then when they realized that they aren't getting any news out of them they left and how do you know that Daniel will escape in three months?" Tucker just groaned."Mr Lancer just trust us move the field trip to the 30th of September which is four months away from here." He nodded and left inside his class. Sam and Tucker went home without their parents noticing because they went to work. Tucker got board and researched the ghost's that would want revenge on Danny.

Miraculous Phantom: Save me!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin