Chapter 2

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The ride to school was how it normally was to me. Being ignored by everyone around me. Where I could hear giggles and mumbled as eyes wandered towards me. Rumors were always going around about me. Some saying how my dad left my sister, mom and I because I stole money from him. None of the rumors were true. I didn't care though. I learned how to live with it and keep my feelings bubbled up inside. I didn't have friends either. Which sounds quite sad. But I really didn't. I had people I had fair conversations with in classes, but never a friend to call at 3 am whenever I was sad. Whenever I was sad I just cried and cried and never really cared. I would cry till my eyes felt numb and where I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, it was like a daily routine. My life sounds horribly sad and yes, it actually is. Many reasons why I quit writing a long time ago. I never missed it and surely realized I never would.

I got off the bus and went directly inside the school without making eye contact with anyone like I did everyday. I went to my first class which was history.

The room was filled with students scattered everywhere in different seats and around the room. I spotted Hayes and Dylan at the back of the room sharing a small conversation. I pulled my gaze away and gently slid into my seat which was at the back of the room. I passed Dylan and Hayes and I felt their eyes examine my every movement like there was a secret inside me that they were itching to know about. But guess What?

I'm secret free.

Besides my name.

That's another thing, I was practically invisible through out the entire school. I was usually called by the names "freak", "loner", "gold digger" etc. Anything that would really send me home ready to collapse in my bed with flustered tears.

Our cool history teacher Mr Henderson was slouched in his rolling chair as his feet were up on the desk. Mr Henderson never did attendance. Which was why some people never showed up into class and just ditched. But some people actually bothered to show up, after all, he was a pretty cool teacher. He had dark black hair that was like a combover, dark gazing eyes that were like daggers and he looked about 30. But I do have to say, he looked really young for his age.

He did what he usually did. Have his hands over his head as he told us a story about when he was "young" and in high school like us. Some students listened and other students were off in their own little world. I was one of them. I sat at my desk picking at the doodles on the top of my desk that has been there for ages. The initials P & F were doodled inside a heart.

What was that suppose to stand for? Pizza and fries?

I guess cereal wasn't enough breakfast for me today, I regretted not eating the pancakes my mom had made.

I pulled out my book '13 reasons why' and started scanning every word by word as multiple conversations were being held all around me. But they were all like mumbles that I couldn't understand and I liked it. It was like I was in my own little world where no one could hurt me.

I was about to flip the next page but right when my fingers touched the paper 2 bodies came over to where I was. One hand slammed my book shut and the other gazed at me as he pulled out a chair from the desk beside me and plopped down onto it.

Hayes and Dylan.

Dylan shut my book and he saw my startled expression. Hayes stared at me with a smile. For a second there you would think that there was actually some kindness in that smile of his.

Both of their eyes examined me more, my every blink and possibly my every breath. "What?" I asked harshly. I already had $2 down the drain to my sister Rachel and I wasn't planning on losing any more.
"What's your name?" Hayes asked kindly and I was some what surprised of how nice he was being, considering from my rude outburst. "Why do you want to know?" I asked more kindly this time
"I feel like I've seen you before..." Hayes said squinting his eyes more as examined my face again. Dylan squinted his eyes also but within 10 seconds his eyes went wide and he clapped his hands in the air. "I got it! It's the chick you fell on top of this morning!" Dylan exclaimed excitedly as if he was expecting a reward.
"Hey. I'm grier. Hayes Grier." He said as he held his hand out to shake with my hand. I gulped as I held my hand out and shook his hand. I don't know why. But a part of me really didn't want to let go once his hand reached mine.
"Anyways. Back to my question. What's your name?" Hayes asked again.
"Anyways, back to MY question. Why do you want to know?"
"Ooo feisty...I like that." Dylan muttered as he gave me a wink.


"I don't want to say" I said.
"Why not?" Dylan asked
"well I-"
"I'm just going to call you honey" Hayes said and I felt my heart pump out of my chest.
"Honey?" I asked
"Yeah. The highlights in your hair remind me of honey." Hayes said as he made a gesture with his hands and gave me a shy smirk.
"Whatever floats your boat" I said as I shook my head and tried opening my book again. Dylan slammed the book down from my hands once again and I glared at him.
"I really feel like I've seen you before...or you were described to me and you look exactly how I picture you in my head..." Hayes muttered as he started stroking his chin with thoughts.
"Dude, like I said. She's the girl you fell on top of this morning." Dylan said like it wasn't obvious.
"Shut up Dylan! Of course I know she's the girl I fell on top of. But I feel like I've seen her before that...,"
I shrugged my shoulders as my gaze met Hayes and didn't pull away. "Wait! Do you have a sister named Rachel?!" Hayes said with excitement and a pit formed into my stomach.

Oh great. The minute I start to think a guy is actually into me, he could possibly be Into my sister. Nothing new here.

"Yeah. Why?"
"She's dating my brother Nash." Hayes said and Dylan started hitting at his shoulder. "Woah! Seriously?! Nash is dating rowdy Rachel?!"
I rolled my eyes and glared at Dylan. "Rowdy Rachel?" I repeated mocking him.
"Why is my sister known as rowdy Rachel?"
"well word on the street is she's really good in bed-"
"Stop," I said as my eyes jotted out of my head and Hayes and Dylan both let out an attractive chuckle. "I've heard enough. How do you know what I look like if my sister has only told you about me?"
"She showed me a picture of you" Hayes said as he got up and pushed the chair back into the desk beside me. The bell went off and first period was already over, my next class was science. "I'll see you around honey?" Hayes asked as students started filing out the door with loud voices.
"Yeah, sure thing Grier." Hearing the name honey slip from his lips and knowing that's what he called me made my heart race and the blood in my veins raced faster. I felt my palms sweating. Hayes and Dylan exited the class and several moments later I followed out the door and filing into the hallway with the other ten thousand bodies that rushed to their next class.

The whole day was a big blob of blur and too much thinking and I couldn't explain how happy I was to finally get home. Today was a Friday and I couldn't wait to have the whole weekend to myself. I waited for my bus per usual and waited for the long ride home.

Once I got home the house was still and quiet. My mom wasn't home yet but my sister surely was.
"How's your day go?" She asked as she flipped through a magazine at the kitchen table and had her binder and work scattered around the table.
"Since when did you care?" I asked
"I don't."
"Then why'd you ask?"
"To see if you did anything else on the bucket list."
I looked down at the ground unsure of what come back to reply with.
"So what?"
"Did you do anything on the bucket list?" I thought for a moment as I rewinded the memory of my day to see if I did do anything.
"Nope." I said
"Yup!" I yelled as I dashed up the stairs to run to my room and slam the door.
"You're gonna lose!" My sister Rachel yelled from downstairs. My door was closed but I replied with a sweet mouthful of "KISS MY ASS RACHEL." And I heard her laugh. I laughed to myself also as I plopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for a moment unsure of what to do next. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to nothing but the ringing sound of silence in my ears.

I woke up with the sound of something being thrown at my window. I checked the time and it was 2 Am. I was shocked for a moment of how long I had slept. Since it was passed midnight today was January 2 and I still had a long month ahead of me with the bet.
I sat up from my bed for a moment as the same sound of something being thrown at my window I expected it to be a branch from a tall tree or something. I went over to my window, lifted the curtains and opened the window.
"Hey! What the f-"
And it was Hayes.

"Come on" he whispered as he motioned for me to come down
"What are you doing throwing rocks at my house at 2 am? And why are you here?"

He checked towards his left and right as of someone was there. "Let's go on an adventure" he said.

Hayes grier fanfic: Because Of HimWhere stories live. Discover now