well lets see

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*dipper's pov*

I woke up in a room the walls where yellow and the floor was white there was a sofa and a table the table had a piece of paper and a sandwich with a glass of water i was still chained up by both of my hands and legs i got up and went to the table and read the piece of paper 'dear pine tree i left you something to eat and drink you can walk around the room but nothing else you can try to escape but you wont, you are in the mindscape you can never escape without me i made sure that you had some entertainment while you are in here so i left a tv and some books hope you enjoy your stay ~bill p.s not your bill' "just perfect i got married then a flying dorito kidnapped me so that i can make his dipper jealous "well i might at least eat something" i said to myself while picking up the sandwich only to sniff it and then take a bite it was pretty good i started to head my way to the coach still eating i picked up the remote to put ducktective on the tv

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back to the castle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*bill's pov*

"GUARDS LOOK EVERYWHERE AROUND THE KINGDOM THEY CANT BE THAT FAR" I commanded the guards, "sir the pine family is here" said sebastian "let them in" i said "hey bill what did you want to talk with us about?" asked mabel "im...sorry mabel, dipper was kidnaped.." when i told her that she froze she standed tall and said "we have to save him" "wait i have an idea we can call one of dippers friend he is good with magic" i said picking up a mirror phone 'calling black hat' 'hello?' said bh 'hi there black hat remember me bill?" "oh yeah your the king from the competition that dipper had to win what do you want?" "well....dipper got kidnaped and-" 'HE GOT WHAT!!!" (JESUS if you could hear that it would have made your ears bleed) "yeah could you maybe help us?" "......." "hello?" "im right behind you" i jumped and looked behind me black hat was standing there with a boy in his hands the boy was wearing a blouse and a dhoti with a small see thru cloth covering his face so all you could see was his eyes he had blue and green eyes they looked like nachy's i guess "where a-are we blacky~?" asked the boy in black hats hands "oh don't worry flugy~,I just need to repay a friend by saving him" said black hat "now what do you need my help with?" asked black hat "well..i need you to do a locator spell so that we can find dipper" i said "ok but i will be needing something that he owned first" he said "oh i know his journal!" said mabel "i think he left it at his room let me go get it" i said going to me and dipper's room

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I got it!" i said giving black hat the journal "ok now i need chalk" "here" said stanford giving him a piece of chalk "where did you even get that from?" asked stan "oh i always have a piece of chalk with me just in case" he said "ok done now to say the chant,vis mig dipper fyrretræer!" and with that smoke came we saw dipper he was in a room chained sleeping on a sofa with a tv playing in the background he looked tired but at least he was safe until we saw him "aww little pine tree from this timeline looks just like mine~" said ori bill (or stands for original,well u know what i mean) "i hope you make him jealous or i will have to go with violent measures" when he said that i'm sure he looked up at us it gave all of us shivers "ok that's a scary you bill" said both stanford and black hat "we looked back at the picture and ori bill was picking dipper up he made a door appear then he opened it but right before he left he looked back up at us and he was grining it made me angry so angry that he had dipper "one day i will take that smirk of your face"


Sorry for short chapter i have school and yeah my life is way to complicated i hope you liked this oh and if you have any ideas for next chapter please tell me......im so tired.........bye~!  

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