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In the next room there was a kitchen "ok in this test we will see how good you are in the kitchen you will prepare dinner for me and king bill if your cooking taste bad you will fail, you will have 30 minutes to cook a delicious meal" said Sebastian thank god that i made dinner at home and that mabel gave me that super secret recipe that she copied from someone else said dipper in his head "get ready....set...GO!" said sebastian and they started Dipper was going to make lobster and shrimp for the main plate, then to top it up he was going to make a chocolate pie and his specialty secret food. Rachel is making a strawberry cake and for dinner she is making chicken soup, and ruby was making ice cream and a sunny dinner (burger and fries), samantha is making a fancy dinner(steak,rice,mashed potato). When they were done sebastian ordered them to serve the food to him and the king "first up is rachel and her chicken soup" said sebastian rachel brought the plate, gently she puts the plate in front of the king and sebastian, Now is the moment of truth sebastian and the bill grab a spoon first sebastian tested it then he told bill i was good to eat bill grabbed the spoon and he put it in his mouth "mmmm" said sebastian and bill "this is the best soup i had tested" said sebastian "same" said bill "now for the dessert" said rachel "i made a strawberry cake" said rachel "wow I can't wait to test it" said bill nervous why was he nervous you ask? Well because the cake looked like a monster it had a messed up face and a weird body "I was trying to make the cake look like you but i messed up and made a monster cake" she said "well I hope it tastes better than it looks" said sebastian "well here we go" they took a small bite out of the piece of cake that was given to them, after a moment of silence they spoke or well puked "I feel sick *gulp* I need to rest" said king bill "we are taking a 30 minute break" said sebastian almost puking again "aww man" said rachel "I thought I read the recipe right" she said "let me see that book" said dipper "it's backwards that is the reason that you got the recipe wrong" he said "oh,well that is embarrassing" said rachel "it's ok at least the dinner was good" said samantha "thank you guys, you are really not that bad dipper" said rachel "thanks i guess" said dipper.

At the king's room "argh that tasted so bad" said bill "her other dish was perfect that is for sure" said sebastian "we should still keep her in the race" he said "she is a beautiful young girl" said sebastian "have any of them caught your eye your majesty?" said sebastian "ummm" bill said blushing "m-maibe" "who caught your eye sir?!" said sebastian "well a young girl with short hair, she is also so small and fragile" said bill "oh I know who you're talking about she has such good manners and is really a nice lady" said sebastian "if you would like i would keep an eye on her and check her background for you" said sebastian "yes please do" said king bill.

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