Seventeen (beck and jonathan)

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Another musical folks, this time Heathers. Beck is a Perrentes baby soon to come, and Jonathan is the son of oc Lee Shadows and Jimmy Sullivan. Enjoy! For hatter_jac

"Fine! We're damaged, really damaged, but that does not make us wise!" Beck Fuentes yelled, his eyes red and bloodshot from tears as he glared at Jonathon Sullivan, who just shrugged.
"Don't fucking shrug at me! We're not special, or different." He hissed, and the other boy laughed.
"So what, do you wanna be normal? See bad movies, sneak a beer and watch TV, like fucking always?" Than shouted back, his tears glistening on his cheeks as he looked back at Beck.
"We'll bake brownies or go bowling, right?" He continued, and Beck shook his head before meeting Than's eyes.
"Why are you being so fucking cruel? Don't you want a life with me?" He asked, venom in his voice as Jonathan blinked.

"Of course I do."
"Then why can't we be seventeen?" Beck shot back, and Than shrugged defeated. 
"That's all I want to do. It's all I've ever wanted. And if you could let me in, then I could be good with you." Beck continued, his eyes watering up as he sat down.
"How can you have so much faith in that? I mean, people hurt us, or they vanish." Jonathan finally said, his eyes closing as he tilted his head to the ceiling.
"Yeah they do, and your right it really blows. But what the fuck does that have to do with us?" Beck snapped back, and then he sighed.
"Let it go. Take a deep breath. We'll go camping, play some poker, whatever the hell you want." He sighed, and Jonathan cracked a small smile.
"Maybe prom night?" He asked, and Beck smiled back before standing up and crossing the room.
"Maybe dancing." He laughed, letting out a deep breath as Than enveloped him in a hug.

Don't stop looking in my eyes

"So, can't we be seventeen?" Beck asked, and Jonathan sighed.
"If you could let me in." He replied softly, and then shook his head.
"Let us be seventeen." Beck smiled, and Than poked his nose gently.
"If we still got the right, that is."
"Seriously Than. What's it gonna be? Cause I know I wanna be with you."
"I wanna be with you too Beck, but it's not that easy."
"It could be, if you would let me in. Cause yeah, we're damaged, I mean really damaged." Beck chuckled once, shaking his head before looking out the window.
"Either way, I can't let go. Your love's too good to lose" Jonathan said softly, a small laugh escaping his lips.
"So hold me tighter, and even closer. Cause Than I promise, I'll stay if I'm what you choose." Beck whispered, Jonathan letting out a deep breath.
"Can't we be seventeen?" He asked, and Beck pressed a kiss to his lips.
"If I am what you choose, 'cause you're the one I choose." He breathed, and Than kissed the top of his head.
"You're the one I choose."

You're the one I choose

Song One Shots Volume Two Where stories live. Discover now