I've Given Up On You (Joshler)

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"You used to make me feel like I could walk on water, now most nights I'm just sinking down and down." Tyler Joseph said miserably, his eyes downcast to the floor.
"You're the reason why I can't listen to the same songs I used to." Josh Dun said back, leaning back against the wall seperating the livingroom and kitchen where Tyler sat.
"I write songs about you all the time, but I bet I don't run through your mind." Tyler said back, his voice cracking as he stood.

"I've given up on you, but it still hurts to know you're not alone." Tyler said into the silence, and the empty place on Josh's finger burned as he put his hand into his pocket.
"Ty, Im sor-"
"Don't worry, I'll keep out of your life and stay awake at night." he chuckled dryly, handing Josh a box of his things before closing and locking the door as he left.

"It's 4am and you're keeping me from closing these sleepy eyes." Tyler muttered later that night when his phone went off, and a soft laugh from the other end made him sit up.
"So, does the thought of me keep you up at night? Like the light on the ceiling of your bedroom that you hate?" he asked, and Tyler pulled his pillow to his chest before uttering a small

Lately, my dog's the only one around That listens to my problems

"It's been a lonely year Ty." Josh muttered, his eyes closing at the same time as Tyler's, like the clockwork they always had.
"I write songs about you all the time and I bet I don't run through your mind." Tyler whispered back, that afternoon running through his head.
"I just wanted to say that I've given up on you.  Don't worry, I'll keep out of your life." he said quietly, and Tyler scoffed.
"And stay awake at night with just my skin and bones."

I've given up on you,
And my skin, and my bones

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