Chapter eight: creatures of the dark

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It came up from the ground it was a black slimy thing the body looked like it was all gooey and dark it had three heads as it came up it shook the ground as it walked up. "The master wants you both dead~" it said the voice was gravely and hate filled Sierra took a step back in fear. "Sierra stay back I'll take care of this" Sinter said to her gripping his grip on his sword. He ran at the creature and attacked it the sword burning through it's body. "Got ya" he said giving a toothy grin "not quite child" it said "what that's impossible" Sinter said dumbfounded it formed back together "now now child is that anyway to treat me?" it asked "yeah it is you slimy thing" he yelled at the creature in frustration. it got closer to Sinter "get away" he said danger lurking in his voice "oh but I just wish to help you" the creature proclaimed it morgues into something else changed it's form like Sin Seton did. It changed into a young slender woman. She had a red dress with long see-through sleeves, slick black hair, red eyes and a black tiara with red jewels she was stunning Sierra looked in awe at the woman and how the terrible creature could turn to such a beautiful woman "now come on Sinter don't tell me you have become like your father" the woman said bending to his height "m-momma" he said as he dropped his sword. Tears formed in the fire Mage's eyes 'momma? But his mother died when he was little he said' Sierra thought to herself "Sinter don't cry it's okay mommy's here" she smiled hugging Sinter he started to cry as she did she placed something onto his forehead. "hold it" Sierra yelled out angrily "step away from Sinter" she growled the woman gently pushed Sinter off "let's fight princess" she said as she did she threw what looked like black tar at Sierra she luckily jumped away just in time, almost losing her balance in the process she raised her hand at shot ice shards at the woman, she ducked in fear but before they could pierce her skin they melted. Sierra looked over to see Sinter his face was covered by his bangs both eyes were covered instead of just one "don't. Touch. Her" he growled Sierra stepped back in fear his hands lit up, she got more frightened "Sinter calm down she isn't your mother" Sierra said backing up more as he started to walk towards her "shut up, kid" he said. he charged at her she doges his attacks not daring to fight back. "Sinter stop this!" she yelled she froze his feet to the ground he tried to pull them out. Sierra took a close look at him to see a chip embedded in his forehead as she was thinking of ways to relieve him of the brain alterer put onto his forehead she was struck with the tar like substance it restricted her hands and pushed her aback making her fall on the ground "get her now Sinter she's helpless now" the woman said excitement filling her voice the mindless zombie that was once her protecter looked at her and picked up his sword and walked leisurely over to the struggling Sierra with a giant smile plastered on his face "Sinter please" she said to him it didn't work he was still shuffling to her menacingly "Sinter don't do it" she yelled to him still didn't do anything "You promised me! you promised you wouldn't hurt me!" she yelled his eyes started to widen when he heard her say that "you said you'd protect me! you promised to never hurt me again you can fight this Sinter I believe in you" she yelled breaking out into tears his eyes widen fully he raised his sword and glided it among the tar breaking Sierra free he turned to deal with the creature but, it had vanished. "Damn it" Sinter cursed "what were you thinking doing a stupid stunt like that?! you could have sliced me in half or cut my clothes off with the tar" she yelled at him he huffed at her arguments and kept walking as he did he felt something rap around his waist "thank you Sinter" he said muffling in the back of his cloak "don't mention it I should be thanking you I was totally under mind control there" he said she let go and walked beside him "seems everyone's taking a form to your life your mother, your fiancée" she questioned "I must be pretty popular down here if they're only going after the people I've lost" he shrugged "or the fact I've never lost someone before I mean I never knew my dad but that's it." Sierra said to him "I wish I never knew my old man" Sinter grumbled "don't say that! he's the only dad you have!" Sierra said to him "he's a lousy father he never had time for me or my brother that's why my brother left and I can't leave" Sinter sighed "why can't you?" she asked "I'm not married" he answered simply. "The thing in realms is you either stay in your realm or you get married and leave i can't leave until I get married than me and my partner decide which realm to live in but, it doesn't matter anyways I'm next in line for the thrown, even if I marry another realm royalty family my wife would have to rule by my side so I am doomed to spend my days with my father in the fire realm" he explained "wow that sucks so if I marry realm royalty I have to switch realms?" she asked "yeah it's a complicated process so royalty's are told to pick someone from their realms" he said throwing his hands in the pockets of this cloak she nodded as they kept walking to the tower.

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