Chapter two: protecting Sierra

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They got to the shop on time as they did Sierra was bombarded with orders "Aunt Lilly what's with all the orders?" Sierra asked "lots of anniversary's" she said "who's this dashing young man Sierra? get a boyfriend did ya?" she asked laughing a little "she knows her power Mrs. Winters I was ordered by your sister to protect her" Sinter said "oh you're young Sinter Tash of the Fire Realm!!" she exclaimed "that's correct" he smiled slyly. "Well you both have a lot to do so go on!" Lillian smiled pushing them out the door and watching the two Mages as they left, she shook her head at the sight of them "I should tell her that her uncle was my protecter at one point" she smiled closing the door to her shop.

"Tell me about your family" Sierra said speaking up through the silence "well my mom died when I was little and my dads a jerk who cares about nobody but himself and then there's my brother who I haven't seen for a long time and there's me" he shrugged Sierra looked at him with wide eyes "I'm so sorry" she said sadly "it's fine don't worry about it" he shrugged as if nothing happened. They continued walking to the houses of the orderers.

"That was the last of them" Sierra said. "Finally" Sinter replied as he threw his hands behind his head. "A long days work at least this time I didn't meant a strange guy with powers in which turned out that I had the same powers" she joked "we do not have to same powers I am fire you are ice get it right" he laughed messing with her hair she blushed and looked down "someone bushing?" He asked looking at me "why would I be blushing?" she asked "because my hand made contact with your hair?" he answered she blushed harder "ah young love" we heard a voice say "too bad I have to stop it" it continued they turned to see a boy on top of a building he jumped down in front of them he had blonde mopey like hair with grey eyes with a grey sweater and black jeans "hello beautiful" he said kissing Sierras hand Sinter pride him off of her she stood there stunned "so this is the beautiful ice princess correct?" he asked she just nodded her head "my name is Dueller Becks and I would like to take you home my dear" he said pulling her close to him "but before I do I have to make sure you don't squirm away" he said, Dueller took out a syringe and injected it in her neck as he did she fainted into his arms "Sierra" Sinter said his eyes widened he ran at him as he did his hands lit up Dueller put Sierras limp body aside and lit his own hands up with dark flames they ran at each other and fought "you must love this little slutty princess" he said as they both threw punches at each other hitting only on occasion after Dueller had said those words Sinter grabbed his throat in rage "do not ever say anything that disgraceful about her again" he growled he out his hand up and burned him as he did he burned up and bursted into ashes his life force flew away like a free bird. Sinter picked Sierras body up and carried her to her home.

"My god what happened to her?" Sierras mother asked "Dueller Becks" Sinter growled "that no good shadow flame Realmer" she scowled "I'm going to take Sierra back to her room would it be alright with you if I stay by her side?" he asked "of course" she smiled he nodded as he carried Sierra upstairs to her room.

He laid her in her bed and watched her peacefully sleep he took a hand and played with one strand of her icy hair "unusual colour for a human can't believe I didn't notice before" he chuckled 'Sinter!' he heard a voice say it was a soft voice like rose petals 'Sinter isn't this fun?' he heard again it was coming from his mind 'I love you too' it said 'Sinter help me!' He heard the voice cry he bent over and held his head in his hands pulling at his hair almost I'm tears "I didn't mean to let you go" he whispered "no please don't hurt him" he heard an actual voice say he looked up to find Sierra tossing and turning "stop please don't hurt him" she mumbled in her sleep Sinter grabbed her hand and she stopped "Sinter" she mumbled "I'm here it's okay" he said he smirked knowing she was dreaming of him "you're such an idiot" she mumbled in her sleep he looked at her sleeping figure in confusion "you're a pain even when you're asleep" he said smirking. After a while Sierra woke up, "hey sleeping beauty" he smirked "what happened?" she asked she sat up only to realize she was holding Sinters hand she quickly pulled her hand back blushing "well some douche came drugged you I made him burst into flames I carried you back here and waited till you were awake" he said shrugging "you did all that for me?" she asked "because of you, you can be a real handful sometimes" he laughed she crossed her arms and pouted at his response. "What time is it?" she asked "uh it's 5:30" he said looking at the clock beside her bed "oh aunt Lillian is going to fire me!" Sierra said putting her head in her hands "I told her what happened she understood" Sinter said she lifted her head up to level with him "really?" she asked confused "well ya I can't let you lose your job for some other idiot" Sinter explained "you really don't like that guy do you" she said chuckling a little "he drugged you, pushed you to the side, called you slutty, and tried to kill me. Yeah I'm not fond of him" Sinter said, Sierra looked at him in confusion "he called me slutty?" she asked looking hurt "yeah you were asleep when he did" Sinter said "am I really slutty?" she asked he looked at her "you're fine calm down, you ask a lot of questions" Sinter said giving her a bored look. "Well sorry mister 'to cool for you' but I am curious about things" she huffed as she got out of bed. "Now get out" she said simply pointing to the door "woah there didn't mean to offend you that much" he said raising his hands up a little "no I'm getting changed into my pyjamas and I'm not changing in front of you" she said he nodded understanding and left waiting outside her door. He waited for a while till the door opened she was in white shorts and a white tank top thinly strapped. "Took you long enough" he murmured "oh shut up" she said on the verge of slapping him "sorry hothead" he smiled "excuse me last time I check you were from the fire realm so I believe the hot head, is you" she said he laughed "look who remembered" he said smiling " I don't think I've seen you smile this much" she said smiling back at him "I haven't for a long time" he said "why?" Sierra asked "because of things" he said putting his hands in the pockets of his black cloak "what kind of things?" she asked him curious out of her mind "thing things" he answered shrugging "that's not helpful" she pouted "with anything other than fighting I'm not very helpful" he said still smiling she went closer to him and hugged him "I like seeing you happy like this" she said smiling he stood there frozen until he pushed her off gently "Sinter, what's wrong?" she asked he looked deep in thought "sorry just some bad memories I didn't mean to scare you" he said "oh no it's fine I was just confused is all" Sierra said brushing it off. "Look Sierra I don't mean to keep things away from you there's just, things I don't want to remember" he said looking at her with soft eyes "I understand Sinter it's fine" she smiled he gave a sly side smile at her response. As it got later they continued to talk and laugh with each other. Her mother heard all of it from downstairs "they sound like they're having fun" Mrs. Winters said to Lilian "you said it Cindy, they are quite the pair" Lillian replied "his father seems proud that he's taken a job in protecting the princess he said the petty feud between the lands can stop if they find out a Fire Realmer is protecting her" Cindy smiled "I'm betting they'll get together at some point I think that will sew up the feud forever" Lillian laughed "they both don't even know of the war they're far to young the both of them" Cindy said "how old is Sinter?" Lillian asked curiously "he's 17" Cindy replied answering her question "he looks a lot older than that" Lillian said with wide eyes "yeah but that's his age" Cindy chuckled "well then" Lillian replied "I'm glad they are so close" Cindy said "she needs a protecter" she continued. "I better get home tell those lovebirds I said goodnight" Lillian said 'we are not lovebirds' they heard Sierra yell from her room the two woman chuckled at her reaction as Lillian left.

"The nerve she has calling us lovebirds" Sierra scowled "calm down Sierra it's just a parents reaction to a girl and guy hanging out" he shrugged "I guess you're right" she sighed "I'm always right" he said proudly she rolled her eyes and smiled at him "I think I'm going to go to sleep" she said Sinter looked at her confused "okay?" he said confused "uh I don't know your sleeping arrangements" she said awkwardly "I'll go check one second" he said as he bolted downstairs.

"Queen Winters may I ask of a favour" Sinter asked "why yes of course what is your request?" she asked "I want to make sure the princess is safe at night after that attack" he said Cindy Winter looked at him with pride "you may stay in the same room as my daughter just no fun business mister I'd like to keep my daughter pure" she said Sinter blushed and stared at her unable to speak "I-I would never queen Winters I have no intension on doing such a thing!" he said blushing hard "I know I was messing with you" she laughed he continued to blush as he walked back upstairs. "What's up blushing beauty?" Sierra asked watching Sinter come into the room blushing intensely "your mom said something that I'd rather not think about" he said softly the red on his cheeks not leaving "what did she say?" she asked "she told me not to try anything she'd like to keep you pure" he said Sierra stiffened "would you ever do that?" Sierra asked "no never I would never do that to you" he said shaking his head the red slowly leaving his cheeks "okay I trust you" she said "so your mom said I could stay In your room" he said "not in my bed" she said crossing her arm over her chest "I'll sleep on the ledge before the window" he said walking and sitting down on the shelf looking ledge with the window above it laying down with his hands behind his head "well goodnight" he said looking at Sierra "goodnight Sinter" she said as they both fell asleep.

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